I am a member of several Facebook MBC support groups. Some wonderful ladies are planning a cruise for the week of May 21-27. They want this to be an opportunity to spend time with others with MBC while also having a little fun and just taking a break from all the stress. If you are interested in checking this out please join this Facebook landing page where you can get all of the information you need to help you decide if this is something you would like to attend.
Cruise being planned for those with s... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Cruise being planned for those with stage IV MBC
Sister/Warrior/Kattown . You are one of Gods bright shining stars.Yes you truly are practicing that statement Live, Love and Laugh. Maybe I got the order wrong (S-M-I-L-E) . In reference to the MBC cruise in May, I don't have a Face book account that I can use yet. I don't remember where I wrote down my password. I am working on it.I learned computers (3 years ago and purchased my first non flip smart phone just 3 months ago. YEEEEESSSSSSSSS I am slowly emerging from the cave to the 21st century (S-M-I-L-E) . XoXoXoXoXoXo to all my sisters in the struggle and your loved ones I pray you will all have a Healthy and Happy New Year.Keep on keeping on.
If you are interested in asking about the cruise I can give you a phone number to call the lady who is organizing the event. She's be happy to answer any questions. Just let me know and I'll send it to you. If you make it to Facebook let me know and I'll hook you up with some great support groups. I am a Facebook and social media guru!
I'm going!