I just passed the five year anniversary of my diagnosis (April 25). Is there a special way you celebrate cancer-free dates? And if so, which ones: the end of treatment, the anniversary of your surgery, diagnosis date? One of the facilitators at SHARE believes it's wonderful to commemorate all of the above in some way.
Do you celebrate cancer-free annivers... - SHARE Breast Canc...
Do you celebrate cancer-free anniversaries?

Blessings, she is right!!! All my pink sisters celebrate diagnosis date I do too. Are you walking this year making strides central park cancer walk?
Yes! I am stage IV and I am NED, I still take Herceptin and tamoxifen indefinitely. I am actually celebrating my 5 year anniversary since the date I was diagnosed. I am having a family celebration tonight! My diagnosis date was April 29, 2013. Congratulations to your 5 year anniversary! I also let off 5 pink balloons!
Congratulations to you on your 5 year anniversary. I am so glad that you are having a family celebration to commemorate it! You deserve it!!! I love that you set off 5 balloons too! I bet it felt so good to do that!!!
I asked my doctor when I should celebrate. Diagnosis, surgery, end of chemo, end of radiation? He said, celebrate whatever feels good to you. I guess I usually celebrate diagnosis and then end of treatment. Nothing big, just a post on FB, Instagram, Twitter. Then I always really celebrate when I do the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk which is the first Saturday in May every year. It is about halfway between my diagnosis and end of my radiation. I go and stand in the area of how many years I have survived. I started out in the 1-5 year, then progressed to the 5-10, then 10-15. This will be my first year in the 15-20 year category! Taking my picture each year and seeing that visual progress is the biggest celebration of all!
I celebrate my cancer free anniversaries based on the date of diagnosis. I send an email to my surgeon on the date of the surgery and thank her for hands which have allowed me to celebrate another cancerversary. I will reach 5 in 2019 and now I will make an effort to do something special to celebrate this milestone. Kindly, Caren