I'm wondering with the the 2016 holiday season in full swing -- how is everyone managing their weight? Men usually aren't as vocal about it as women--but I myself have put on as much as 7-10lbs during previous holiday seasons. But this year, I am really trying to stay healthy (not overeat) maybe even lose weight. Diabetes is also a concern of mine, and I recently came across this article that gives some practical tips:
It’s that time of year again—when holiday and Super Bowl parties, the winter chill, and overbooked schedules come between you and your healthy lifestyle. With some effort and planning, you can stay committed to your healthy habits, maintain your weight, and be on top of your game as you start the new year.
The benefits of maintaining a healthy weight are worth the effort. Overweight and obesity, which affect 73 percent of adult men in the United States, increase the risk for a number of serious illnesses, including heart disease—the leading cause of death in men—type 2 diabetes and kidney disease.