Hello everyone and thanks for joining this brand new community. We are planning to put stuff up about different sensitive men's health issues. Topics will include: Prostate Health, Erectile Dysfunction (Sexual Health), Fertility, Incontinence, and much more. We encourage anyone to participate, Male or Female.
Sensitive issues for Men: Tough Stuff - Sensitive Issues ...
Sensitive issues for Men: Tough Stuff
Not really sure where to find advice on this problem, if indeed it is one ? I have looked through various sites to no avail, so here goes. We have been happily (mostly) Married for 20 years and have three teenage Children. The Children have recently noticed my Wife talking to herself when in a room alone. This is something I have noticed for a long time and not thought it to be a problem. She is a Nurse and work can be quite stressful. Talking herself through a bad day may help ? But recently I have become aware of her bouncing on our bed and giggling in a childish way, again when alone. I do not think this is a new activity, judging by the way our beds have a short lifespan ! So. Does anyone have any eperience of this sort of behaviour or advice to give ? Do I need to be concerned ? Thanks