22 years old and scared..: Hiya.. been... - Sudden Cardiac Ar...

Sudden Cardiac Arrest & Heart Attack

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22 years old and scared..

8 Replies

Hiya.. been reading through all of these sort of websites and aren't really sure If im torturing myself but some things I have read seemed to hit home!

I'm 22 years old and 4 days ago whilst I was sitting watching the TV relaxing I had this sort of what I would describe as a flutter from the left side of my chest by my heart. Then it went away then come back again and did it maybe 10 times but every couple of seconds.

Since then I've been so scared I daren't eat anything incase I'm putting my life in jepody, I had a soreness under my arm pits and just felt genuinely run down and just not right since it's happened. I'm sort of embarrassed to go to the doctors because I'm only 22.

Ever since it's happened any little twinge anywhere in my body frightens me. My arm was sort of shivering earlier on it maybe just coincidence but it's really scared me. I've also had a headache since it happened

I smoke which I know I shouldn't and I have nearly all but stopped since it happened and I also up until it happened used to drink an awful lot of coffee I mean 10 cups per day at least. I've completely cut the coffee out as it's frightened the life out of me. I feel weird and like I say just not right since it's happened but aren't sure wether it's down to the heart flutter or the lack of caffeine as I've drank large amounts every day for the past 3/4 years and now I've just stopped maybe that's something do with it.

I wouldn't say I'm really unhealthy but I'm certainly no picture of health. I play a lot of football and work in a manual job which requires me to keep 'fit' I am probably slightly overweight in the doctors eyes but I'm not massively overweight in society's eyes.

Could just do with some words or wisdom from you guys as I'm lay in bed at 3.25 am too scared to go sleep.


8 Replies
Daveyboy77 profile image

Hi don't be scared to go to the doctors. Sounds more like anxiety attacks more then heart problems but get it checked out for your own piece of mind. If you don't and it turns out to be more to do with your heart then leaving it late could cause more problems later on in life. Ask for a ECG. And see if you can get a blood test done that way you will know if there is a problem.

Take care.

LongTimeEagle profile image

Hi, I've had palpitations on and off throughout my life. They were harmless ectopic heart beats.

In your case it's highly likely that your coffee drinking has caused your problems. Go see your doctor. He will suggest the best course of action.

If you can, try to relax. I have found meditation and mindfulness can be really helpful in reducing fear.

I wish you well.

Andyman profile image

Go to your doctor.

Ianb66 profile image

I think you should pay a visit to the doctor to get checked out best be on the safe side and will also give you peace of mind

Jacqbat2 profile image

Hi there, please don't worry but go to the doctor's to be sure. Your headache is probably due to your body's lack of caffeine so you're detoxing, this will go after a few days, this is also why you're feeling run down and under the weather as it's a big change to go from 10 cups a day to nothing. Also you aren't eating so this will make you feel weak. I'm sure you are ok but just to put your mind at rest please pop to the doctor's as they won't make you feel silly honestly. Good luck. Start eating again but choose healthy food and well done on cutting down on smoking!

Thankyou everyone for your replies, I've booked in to see the doctor next Thursday. Appreciate you're replies i understand what some of you have been through and yet still so strong.

Thankyou again..

in reply to

Mj94. So glad yu have booked to see your doctor,i wish you all the best and am sure nothing serious with your heart , from what yu described .

Kizzie54 profile image

Hi, I honestly think it's likely to be a combination of the excess caffeine, sudden reduction in caffeine intake, the lack of some nutritious food, and sleep deprevation!!! There's no harm and seeing your GP and having an ECG - take care, be safe and be happy xx

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