I am now on day 11 of complete withdrawal from mirapexin and all meds as I want to try and go back to managing them without these heavy drugs having been on them for nearly 3 years - augmentation and rebound is well set in.
I am by no means back to normal - I spent between 12 and 4 with a severe jerking left leg and was up and about doing all the usual restless leg past times .....stretching, baths, cycling, massaging etc. However it is getting easier. Slept for 2 hours before midnight and from 4 til 7 this am. Last week I was lucky if I got 2 hours.
I have spent hours sobbing in the night and it has not been at all easy but I just wanted to encourage anyone else out there as things have turned a corner and I feel as if I am going to be able to finish this off
My GP has also been supportive and signed me off work until Christmas so that I can rest and sleep as I need to.