Stimulation...: Most annoying thing... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Most annoying thing...being intimate with my husband and then

having to leave the bed because I have to walk..

It doesn't matter the position, how long it lasts, how exhausting it is..

My legs do the opposite of what they should...

Sex tends to awaken me, makes me ready to run a half marathon...

(Bob, your idea doesn't work for everyone) (haha)

A friend gave me the book "50 Shades of Grey" to read...

There are 3 books to that series..

I am so mad at her because I can't put the dang book down...

I had a rule not to turn on the tv or the computer or to do anything that

would make me want to stay up at 2am..I blew that on every level lately.

I started taping talk shows that are daytime tv so I can be informed at

least a little..have some stimulating conversations with others about

whatever I see on those shows...Now that's getting to be a problem..

I love a good talk show, a good debate, to hear people talk....I feel

like I am in the room with them...It's not so lonely being up at night....

I've also taped some game shows...Yikes...Keeps me up for sure....

A councilor told me to make a "to do" list and to get 3 things done

on that list everyday before I retire to bed...I started out with bigger

projects such as sew up any clothes that are waiting to be mended,

fix zippers, buttons, turn over clothes that have seen better days...

I am now adding chores that take no more than 2 minutes to do...

I've lost my purpose between taking out the trash, washing the dog,

knocking down cob the outside walkway of bugs

or fly poop....

I'm thinking of a bucket list to start...who knows...maybe there is something

to do at 2am..if I can find someone who's sober, awake at that

hour who will help me check off a thing or two that I want to do...

7 Replies

Yikes if you are only awake because you cant sleep, because your body clock is messed up. Then i know that nightdancer has that problem sometimes. Hopefully she will see your post and might be able to suggest how to work out how you can overcome it.... :)

Dumped my prescription into dirty dish washing water. The pills

got wet so I threw them away...dang me for not putting the cover

on tight. The pharmacy is closed. I had enough left for 2 more nights.

I had zero for tonight. My legs are crawling and I have pain in them'

like I never did before. It's like my bones have worms crawling

through my calves and feet...I am standing to type this on

my very tip toes because otherwise I would be walking on the ceiling

going nuts..(wish I could really)

Talk about a bad night..the refs made a bad call and my favorite

football team lost because of it..I am a Green Bay Packers Fan

big-time. I was so upset over that but reading on the web, I see

that many other's are just as upset.

I feel like painting so I'm glad that the painting supply store is

closed. I might regret doing that if I really had the chance..I'm

so sick of looking at Green Walls..I don't know why I painted

my interior home in such dark colors..I have purples, blues,

creamy vanilla and green..It's like a lilac bush in the sun

everywhere I look. It's bothering me a lot tonight. I haven't changed

a single thing in my house since my dad died 11 yrs. far

as painting goes...My dad told me that he loved the colors of my

house and it inspired him to add color to his own house...

It was the nicest fall day ever in Wisconsin..I opened the windows

that do have screens and opened the patio door so the dog could

run in and out of the house as he desired..stupid to do so because

I have bugs flying around everywhere...they are attracted to the

light of my computer so I am swatting them dead every few minutes.

It's bugging me a lot (no pun intended) I burned off some energy

chasing them with a fly smudge them onto the wall..

more work for these restless legs..I dislike bugs with a passion!

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to

OM, I am so sorry you dropped your pills. and, I am a football FREAK, and I am going nuts about the replacemet refs. Cost my Patriots the game on sunday, and last was way worse than that one!!! grrrrrrr":) all I can say is keep yourself as busy as possible and put littler things on your list to acccomplish, so that you will have success, and not get set up for failure when you are unmedicated. I make lists all the time, and make SURE I finish 2 little things and at least one big thing (like the checkbook). I only do the checkbook when I am not having RLS thouh. :) Seriously, some months I run low on my meds that I get every 28 days (the opiates). I have to choose when to take my pain meds so that they wrk for the pain and RLS. sometimes I end up short. I have 2 days before I can get more, and I have

4 vicodin left, and 3 morphine, so I might squeak by. Had a really bad 24 hrs of raging RLS, so I had to choose to take the chance and calm that attack down, but making me a little short on meds in the process. Just try and stay sane, and hopefully your doc will help you out in a couple of days? take it one hour at a time, or 5 minutes at a time, and congratulate yourself every time you make it thru again. If you can stand it write.......I make up stories all the time that I would like to turn into a book sometime. That is "bucket list material". :) ((hugs))

Oh dear, what a thing to happen.. Nothing worse than NOT having any meds to take, that will definately send your RLS nuts, its like having withdrawals...

Love your description of your evening and i can picture your house and its rainbow colours.

I have very plain colours on my walls. I think it might be an age thing, i was more adventureous (sp) with colour when i was younger, the walls had more bolder colours. These days i like the lighter paler colours, makes the rooms feel bigger somehow...sunnier.

I wish we had screens for our windows over here, in the summer i hate the creepy crawlies and flying things that come in, especially when i am sleeping at night, they freak me out.

Hope you can get some replacement pills today, for your sanity.... :)

Darcy profile image

I know the "Intimate" thing yikes. I could run for team GB after!! takes a time to wind down after any physical exertion, and that's when my RLs kicks in. I was doing some heavy lifting in the garden yesterday, and come nightfall, I knew I was in for an episode. I took my meds as usual, Ropinerole and Mirapex, an hour before going to bed, dropped of to sleep, and an hour later my arms were so painful I had to get up. It was that bad that when I streched to relieve my left arm, I tore some muscle tissue (Ouch!)

My arms were just like someone was putting electric shocks through them. It wasn't until 3am that it subsided, and by then I was wide awake again, and missed my sleep once more. This doesn't help as I have sleep problems anyway, so I went to my Doc this morning and asked if he could help me, now have 2 weeks worth of 10mg Temazepan to help me get to sleep. I did try Zolpadnine a while back, but that didn't work at all. I just pray for a night of unbroken sleep.

Darcy, that arm thing is a really big deal...I bet it hurts really bad. = /

When I get those electric shocks going through my body, no one else

knows what the world I mean when I try to describe..I get a cold flush

immediately after the first series of electric shocks before it repeats itself.

I bend at the waist and let my arms dangle next to my feet..Somehow

that stops that feeling in my arms..The sensation can be like holding onto

a jackhammer for an hour or two..buzzzzz..haha. well, maybe not buzzz..

but It's fun and people react in a way that makes me think

that if I don't shut up, they are going to send me to the nut house..

I do have a good feeling that you will sleep sensational with such a good

dose of Temazepan..or at least you will relax enough not to think about

that sore arm..Torn Muscles...You are a dandy stretcher..would hate

to arm wrestle you. bahaha..

You must have some really heavy carrots in your garden..(I'm giving ya

a hard time) I do some gardening myself..but it's the flowering type..

I'm a wimp to carry big heavy bags of top soil...but I do it anyway with

a wagon in tow..

I'm getting fuzzy, light headed for being without sleep. I can't go back to

bed as tempting as it is...I have work assignments to do for some extra may take me half a day to enter the data all's much too

nice out in Wisconsin to be sitting indoors doing computer

Maybe I will sneak a nap in...I do believe that I may wake up with my

head on the my eyes are quite heavy now.

Refilled my prescription..slept great for 9 hours. I went to bed at

5:35pm..I had no choice since I fell asleep at the lively dinner table.

My husband looked at me, laughed that my head was down and

said "go to bed Karen, you look like crap" OUCH...but he meant

well..I hope. I took my prescription at 4pm since I had been missing

it for 2 days ..and it was two days of and night..

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