Does anyone take Amitryptiline with P... - Restless Legs Syn...
Does anyone take Amitryptiline with Pramipexole for RLS?

I take requip for my rls and this is similar to pramipexole.
I also take amitryptiline 20mg for my fibromyalgia and as a sleep aid.
Although it is considered not to be RLS friendly I find that I don't have any
major side affect from it.
That is surprising to find two people who can take Amitryptiline, a tricyclic antidepressant. and all other reputable web sites, including the US RLSF have that on the "non-no" list for RLSer's. So, you two ladies are VERY lucky that you can take it and have no issues. That is the drug that almost pushed me over the edge before I found out what RLS was way back in 1998. I would like people to know that this is not the "norm" for RLS. usually these meds and SSRI antidepressants are absolutely ones to be avoided, but as we ALWAYS say it is all trial and error. There are studies on this on the NIH web site, plus plus Web MD,, etc, etc. Is that enough web istes, or do you need more? I know you like scientific web sites, and these are the most used ones, besides The traffic on that web site is phenomenal. Easy to read, to follow AND understand. Sleep deprived people need web sites that are easy to navigate for sure.
Having had rls for 30+ years it had gone to 24/7 way before I started to take requip for it about 7 years ago. My lack of sleep was driving me to despair.and although my GP had suggested amnitryptyline on several occasions I had refused to take it because it was known to be on the no-no list for those of us with RLS. I printed out the relevant information from Dr Bs site and showed this to the GP and so GP didn't push it any further. Move on a couple of years and I was working full time and functioning on 2 or 3 hours of fragmented sleep nightly.. On the point of collapse, when doc spoke of the amit... again, we discussed it and I agreed to try it for a short time and would come off it immediately if there were any diffs. I did ok on it and now sleep about 6 hours nightly.. I was very aware and alert about going against what all the statistics said and was taking a big chance.
lucky. I was looking for the nearest window to jump out of when I was just on 25 mgs of it. Then my doctor doubled it, and I was losing my mind literally with raging RLS. So, that shows how different we can all be, and just makes it all that much more confusing.
That was before I knew wha RLS was. Found out, found Dr B's web site first and I got off that stuff faster than I should have. Before that my RLS was fairly mild. Even giving up that med, and learning what to do, I have always felt it triggered my RLS to a whole new level. Then after 2 back surgeries and 3 neck surgeries and several miscellaneous broken bones and a torn ACL, the RLS leveled up again, so my mother calls my room the pharmacy now. It also runs in my family-both sisters, both nieces, and oldest niece's kids both have RLS and PLMD like the rest of us. So, I stood no chance of avoiding the RLS beast.

I did take 25 mg of amitript for one year and did not find that it affected my RLS. I am sure that others on here say that it does not do their RLS symptoms any favours at all though.
i took it once, it sent my rls into overdrive, really really badly, never again
I take it as part of my Pain killing regime, I have had no ill effects from it. That's over a period of 4 years.
OK, there are two people here that Amitriptyline did not bother, their RLS. That is a BIG exception to the rule. This is one answer I have to use my "stern" voice. Besides the 2 people here and 1 other person, I have never known anyone who caa or should take that meds if you have RLS. Amiitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant and I know many many stories, including myself ,of people who had their RLS kick into HIGH gear, like the worst I ever had. I had "moderate RLS", and my doctor gave ,me amitriptyline for prevention of migraines. This was before I knew what RLS was in the 90's. OMG, my RLS kicked in literally no sleep for 2 wks. I got my first computer because of this, put "restless legs" in the search very first thing and came up with the answer I had RLS. Went to the doc, he had no idea how or what med to prescribe. so, he doubled the Ami. I got literally suicidal then, and found a web site that saved my life. sound dramatic? It WAS!
On the treatment page, and "Drugs and foods to Avoid". Tricyclic antidepressants and SSRI antidepressants are tops on the "NO NO" list. YOu can try it, but ever since that med triggered ,my RLS into high gear, it never calmed down, and I only took it or 3 months. My RLS starts in my back, which I have had multiple surgeries, so pain meds help my RLS> If you take Pramipexole and Amitryptiline, they basically (chemically) cancel each other out. I wil get more info for you if you want, but If I saw a person with RLS gettiig ready to take Amitriptyline, I would throw myself in front of the bus to stop them. This is very universal, and once in a while there is an exception to the rule, but not very often with this one. Do you homework, and really think about this. Why do you ask, anyway? are they tryng to give it to you for sleep?? or other things. If you need an antidepressant, there are other options. (the SSRI's I mentioned are Paxil, Prozac, (almost as bad) 99.9% of people with RLS should avoid these meds like the plague. I have several groups online, and I know of only 2 other people (thought of another one) so 4 altogether, that can tolerate ths. and, like I said, chemically, the two meds work against each other, but a lot of doctors do NOT know that RLSer's should not be prescribed this drug as a "general" rule. I have been doing support groups for 15 yrs and have close to 3,000 members, so I am not just talking about myself here. I cannot stress this enough. It is all trial and error when t comes to meds, but please sudy this before you do anything wth that med. I am begging you.
Panic Attacks Wrecked my life in the worst way. I never could
leave my own house under any circumstances except to
go to the doctor, hospital..I thought that I was having a heart
attack or a stroke up to 10 times a day..I couldn't breathe..
Amen for Paxil...been on it 10 yrs. Success of quitting is zero.
It's about the same time that RLS did kick in really strong for
me. It's probably why I have it going on in the first
I have to decide between the two evils..I stayed with Paxil..
It's been increased a lot to the max for pain with works.
I am loading up on foods high in vitamins..and iron. My iron
level increased by 4 full points and I am storing it well...I can't
say that I am noticing a big difference yet..My doctor is impressed.
I ate beans like crazy including every chili recipe I could...
My doctor insists that I take a walk every single day right before
dinner..I sure dislike that but what the heck...I will try anything.
I'm doing thanks in advance for saying "Good Job" and
I will keep you posted of how that goes.
My legs bother me less as of right now but my body has changed
it's sleeping schedule..I tend to be awake, alert, at my best from
12am - 7am...I'm fighting to turn that around for myself without
the use of sleeping aids..I am now considering a paid job during
those hours since I can only clean my house so much, cook so
much, cut up and freeze veggies...I may as well make money..
It's just a thought.
Karen ~USA
Hi Nightdancer, thanks very much for your reply. Wow, what an experience you have had! I checked out the website you mentioned, its very informative. I have been taking 10mg Amitriptyline since Nov 2011 for RLS. My GP explained it should work as a muscle relaxant and aid sleep. This did help as the attacks were only at night. Then last month I started to get attacks during the day that I couldnt cope with. My GP upped my Amitriptyline to 20mg and things did not get better or worse. Now he has prescribed Pramipexole to take along with the 20mg Amitriptyline. Im only in my first week of Pramipexole, so only on 1/3 of the dose at the moment. I am getting so confused with all these meds and their effects on each other as I have also been taking Sertraline for depression. Alongside RLS I also have Lupus SLE, Underactive Thyroid & Raynaulds which I also take meds for.
In people without RLS, yes, Amitriptyline works like that. BUT, RLS is not a muscular thing, it is a sleep related movement disorder, and our brain is misfiring when it comes to dopamine, and other chemical things going on. But, I dare say if you did not tae the the "Ami", you might not have to take the Mirapex. Those two meds ae going to fight each other most of the time. also, Sertraline is another antidepresant that can set off your RLS. So, you have two meds that COULD be a problem, and have to take aother emd to dispel the actions of the anti-d's. A catch-22 situation, and we all have to treat our depression individually , of course. another big subject is "What came first, the depression or the sleep deprivation/RLS?" If you are getting attacks in the day, one of those meds is botheirng you, since you are just starting Pramipexole. really think about talking to yuor doctor about getting rid of one of those anti-d's, since they both on the list f drugs to avoid if at all possible. doctors do not ALWAYS understand this who have not dealt with RLS too much.
better ad that web site again, so people know I am not coming up with this of the top of my head. (medical advisor to US RLSF board who knows how to keep a web site user friendly. also has this info, as long as the link to the studies are working.
I have suffered from RLS for 18 hrs. The intensity of the sensation have increased over the years causing me to climb the wall many a night.. I have been guinea pigged on a number of things but have found in the recent year that the most effective combination for me is Tramadol and a low dose of Amitryptiline . I try only to take at night times when the intensity is worse and I find that I am able to get a decent nights sleep. But as soon as I don't take the Amitryptiline my leg is electro city and I am back climbing the Walls . So for me it does work when combined with tramadol. I had previously taken Amitryptiline by itself and that didn't work and did have the opposite effect , if I remember right it was a higher dosage than I am currently on...