I get what I call my wiggly legs. Although it happens to my arms sometimes and once happened to my face too!!
It is the hardest sensation to describe, it feels a bit like when you're about to get cramp, the feeling builds up until I either move said appendages or they twitch by themselves. My friends gimme some funny looks when it happens as it look like I'm having some kind of fit
I've been known to knee my bf in the privates whilst lying in bed (honestly it was an accident), it's just so annoying. It keeps me awake at night, hurts my back if the feeling is in my pelvis, means I can't relax or sit still. It happens more when I'm resting or tired and was a lot worse when I was pregnant.
I've never thought there could be something to stop it happening, I just thought I'd always had ants in my pants. If there is something that helps then I'd love to try it, it drives me to the point of tears sometimes. And I must say my cats don't really like being fired off my lap anymore poor kitties.
So do you lot think it's RLS? or am I just a weirdo with wiggly legs?