I am on ropinirole which helps me sleep, but does not cure the rls in the evenings.
I have tried to compile a list of things I know and what helps so far!!
What causes:
Thinking about RLS in the evening seems to bring it on!
Iron levels - mine are always a bit dodgy anyway, but rls is much worse when I an due on or menstruating.
I have noticed that if I get stung by nettles during the day my rls is much worse in the evening. I have googled contents of nettles which are - acetylcholine (a transmitter in the central nervous system); histamine; serotonin (helps you feel well/happy); moroidon - the stinging sensation; leukotrienes - trigger contractions (usually in the trachea - related to asthma); and 'possibly' formic acid (corrosive to the skin and optic nerve in high doses)
...are there any scientist out there who can help?
What helps:
Lying on tummy!
Being cold
And according to wikipedia, having an orgasm!
Be interested to know your thoughts?!