I was on Mirapex and my neck and upper body became very stiff and my neck began to pull to pull severely to the left so I stopped taking it cold turkey. I was a complete mess for 3 days because my doctor could not see me and I ended up in the ER but my neck and upper body felt alot better. Now im on 600 mg of lyrica and 600 mg of gabapentain enacarbil and 3 mg of klonipin and im doing better. I warn everyone to stay away from Mirapex and Ropinole.
Help please : I was on Mirapex and my... - Restless Legs Syn...
Help please

Good warning.👍😎
I really messed up on my answer to you. I missed the fact you are no longer on Mirapex plus I talked about ropinirole when it was mirapex you were on so I will edit my answer.
600 mg of lyrica and 600 mg of gabapentain enacarbil is way too much and is basically a duplication. One usually takes one or the other not both. I would suggest you ask for 300 mg of the gabapentain enacarbi (Horizant) and reduce by that much every 2 weeks. It is the more expensive of the 2 and it is really only needed if you have RLS 24 hours a day.
Then assuming the withdrawal symptoms from the mirapex are gone and the lyrica is controlling your symptoms (wait until that is true since you went cold turkey), then you want to reduce the lyrica to the lowest dose that completely controls your symptoms. Reduce by 25 mg every 2 weeks to avoid withdrawal symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic Updated Algorithm on RLS: "Most RLS patients require 200 to 300 mg pregabalin (lyrica)."
Check out the Mayo Clinic Updated Algorithm on RLS which will tell you everything you want to know including about its treatment and refer your doctor to it if needed as many doctors do not know much about RLS or are not uptodate on it at Https://mayoclinicproceedings.org/a...
Have you had your ferritin checked? If so, what was it? Improving your ferritin to 100 or more helps 60% of people with RLS and in some cases completely eliminates their symptoms. If not when you see your doctor ask for a full iron panel. Stop taking any iron supplements including multivitamins that have iron in them 48 hours before the test, don't eat a heavy meat meal the night before, fast after midnight and have your test in the morning before 9 am if possible. When you get the results, ask for your ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT) numbers. You want your transferrin saturation to be over 20% but less than 45% and your ferritin to be at least 100. If they are not, post them here and we can give you some advice.
Meanwhile some things that can make RLS symptoms worse for some people are alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, carbs, foods high in sodium(salt), foods that cause inflammation, ice cream, eating late at night, dehydration, MSG, collagen supplements, electrolyte imbalance, melatonin, eating late at night, stress and vigorous exercise. It is a good idea to keep a food diary to see if any food make your RLS worse.
Some things that help some people include caffeine, moderate exercise, weighted blankets, compression socks, elastic bandages, masturbation, magnesium glycinate, fennel, low oxalate diet, selenium, 5 minute shower alternating 20 seconds cold water with 10 seconds hot water finishing with hot water for another couple of minutes, hot baths, distractions, CBD, applying a topical magnesium lotion or spray, doing a magnesium salts soak, vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12, D3, K2, if deficient, and potassium and copper if deficient, massage including using a massage gun, vibration devices like therapulse, using a standing desk, listening to music, meditation and yoga.
Many medicines and OTC supplements can make RLS worse. If you are taking any and you list them here, I can tell you if any make RLS symptoms worse and if so may be able to give you a safe substitute. I have a list of more than 300 medicines and OTC supplements that make RLS worse and have safe alternatives for most of them.
Amen, brother!