I take gabapentum 300 mgm near bedtime. I think I’ll ask mycdrcfor some valium also.
I’ll take it away from the gabapentum
I take gabapentum 300 mgm near bedtime. I think I’ll ask mycdrcfor some valium also.
I’ll take it away from the gabapentum
Is your RLS completely controlled by your gabapentin?
You can take it at the same time.
If you are worried your RLS will act up on the flight, I have some advice.
You can take it at the same time.
If you are worried your RLS will act up I can give you some advice.
Since it is an overnight flight I assume it crosses time zones. If so you will need to adjust when you take your gabapentin. Do it 1 hour each day and adjust when you go to bed similarly.