I think the ropinerole can take anywhere from 1-3 hours to kick in. Maybe your RLS is just doing what it does until the meds start working. I have found that I go through that as well sometimes. It’s all a balance of when you take it. For me if I take it too soon I have dozed off during dinner ( we eat on the later side) but if I take it too late then I can get very restless for what seems like a long time before it kicks in. I have 3 mg. Tablets and try to cut them in half and vary my dose on how I think I’ll do that night. I never take less than 1.5 mg. Only once in the evening. Most of the time it works. Sometimes I’ll take a tramadol before bed.
Timing of Ropinerole: I think the... - Restless Legs Syn...
Timing of Ropinerole

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Hello Crazygirl
I have noted your observations regarding your meds. Interesting that you take Tranadol with your Ropinirole. I do the same by taking my 0.5mg Ropinirole 2 hours ecore bedtime. Sometimes I experience the need to stand up watching television before it kicks in for my hopeful long sleep but it is a strange illness with some evenings better than others. The Tramadol I take is a 50mg capsule. I have tried to stop the Tramadol but it seems the combination of the two meds work for me - most times!!
I started with 1 ropinerole 0.5 mg. now I take 2 2 mg 3 times a day & im lucky if I can put my legs up or go to bed for approx Half hour. I spend half the night walking up & down.73 yrs I’ve had this.it just gets worse.some drs & nurses have said to me.” Oh, what’s restless legs” ????
Valerita, are you saying you take a total of 12mg ropinirole daily? That is a huge amount, three times the maximum for RLS that they still state on te leaflets. The current idea is to take something like 1mg max.
I looked at older posts of yours, and people replied to you with concerns and warmings about augmentation several years ago already.
You CAN feel better. The key is to reduce ropinerole and if you can stop it completely. It will be difficult and has to be done very slowly. But the general experience from people on this forum, including me, is that you will feel better afterwards. Don't do this on your own. Get yourself informed, starting by reading the pinned posts on augmentation and the info on the rls-uk.org website. Then take this to your doctor to discuss and make a plan. Please do. You don't have to suffer like this.
Valerita, You might be experiencing augmentation.
Augmentation is defined as a worsening of RLS symptoms that occurs after starting a dopaminergic medication to treat RLS. The medication is effective when it's first started, but over time symptoms worsen or return to what symptoms were like prior to starting the treatment.
I’ve been taking Tramadol for close to 10 years now. For the last 3 years I was taking 300 mg and it worked really well. Then we moved from Florida to Wisconsin to be near family it became a problem to get a doctor to prescribe Tramadol. I went for two months without any and suffered greatly. Finally found a pain doctor who would prescribe it but only 150 mg. It’s better then nothing but I still need to get out of bed after about an hour and walk around for an hour before I can get back to sleep. I’m hoping to get my doctor to give me a little more but it’s better then nothing. I’ve had RLS for 30 years and have tried a lot of different things and Tramadol has worked the best.
I had little success with Tramadol and only took it for moderate pain after a small surgery, not for RLS. Even as a pain-killer, it didn't work well for me, and there are lots of negative comments on this site about it. For RLS, that is. But you should really consult your doctor.
Hi crazygrl i have found tramadol increases my body tremors and RLS the only thing I can take with safety is one half Panadiene which is Panadol + codeine
I cannot take tramadol as it only allows one hour sleep then exacerbates RLS plus it is a pain killer. Only thing that will stop my legs and I mean ONLY thing is Valium’s 2 or it’s called Clonazipam in Australia- so many things affect RLS it’s hard to find one that works. I also take antidepressants On small doses Anafranil and Amitryptanol - hope this helps take care Jan
It will take longer to kick in the more you have in your stomach. Take it on an empty stomach and you'll feel the effects in 10 mins....take it after a large dinner and you'll be waiting a couple of hours. If you do eat late then take half a tablet before dinner then the rest after. I've messed myself up loads of times by eating too much.....
Which med do u recommend taking on an empty stomach…. Tramodol or pramixerole?