I’m currently taking buprenorphine and gabapentin for my RLS. Both are supposed to have a fairly long effective life. But lately I’ve had numerous 6am breakthroughs. I’ve adjusted timing of doses. Buprenorphine now at 9 and gabapentin (600 mg) at 4, 7, and 10pm. I also frequently get mild symptoms about 45 minutes after going to sleep . Those are easier to remedy - usually a session with my Nidra TOMAC bands quickly resolves them.
Any suggestions? I know that this would disappear if I increased my buprenorphine dose a little, but I’m trying to reduce or eliminate it. I think I’ll try splitting the buprenorphine dose to take half sometime after midnight (during a bathroom break). But that’s likely to worsen the bedtime episodes.
I can’t think of any other triggers. Just the transition to adding gabapentin and reducing buprenorphine.