I have recently been getting ads appear on my Facebook feed for apps to help with ADHD. Symptoms of ADHD listed include RLS. Any thoughts?
RLS linked to ADHD?: I have recently... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS linked to ADHD?

I have both. I’ve seen it talked about a bit on ADHD pages. It has a dopamine link…
Lots of studies link the two.
Yes, there's a well established connection between the two conditions. Approx 25 to 50% of people with ADHD also have RLS. And 10 to 20% of people with RLS also have ADHD.
17 years after RLS first hit me I was diagnosed with ADHD. But, did it take 17 years for ADHD to begin? I think not, based on what my docs told me at the time, I likely had ADHD for years already.
So interesting. What were your symptoms if you don't mind me asking?
I don't really recall much since it's been 24 years since the diagnosis. I didn't go in to see a doctor about ADHD, I went complaining about a cognitive issue. I'd had four TBI's in the military and felt like one of them, if not all four, caused me to have difficulty speaking, reading and controlling emotions. After a lot of questioning, some testing including blood work, they told me that cognitively I seemed fine to them but that I do have ADHD. My response was: WHAT?!?
That’s interesting. I’m nearly 60 and have only become aware of ADHD symptoms since both my adult children have been diagnosed with ADHD. As I’ve learned so I can better understand them, I’ve seen so much of me too. My wife concurs!
Like you, I became aware that I in all likelihood also have it after my young son was tested for it. But because my symptoms didn't follow the more recognised hyperactive subtype, i had never even contemplated that I could have it. My understanding of the condition has certainly broadened since.
I'm 71 now and was diagnosed in 2001. It was a rather shocking revelation. They offered medicine to control the symptoms but I didn't get any help from that medicine. And I didn't pursue other meds. I've learned to live with the issues and in retirement it's not that big of a deal in my opinion. Working full time in the medical field, it was a big deal.
I’m waiting for my adhd assessment and have seen the links written about, I’m hoping to ask my assessor, I’ve read somewhere that ADHD meds can help. Not sure how though.
and is your ADHD assessment because of RLS diagnosis?
No however it did spur me on. I’ve been suspicious for 10 years that I have adhd but decided a diagnosis would make no difference (58yrs) then when I saw the links between RLS and AdHd everything slotted together along with a past unhealthy relationship with alcohol I seem to tick a lot of stereotypical boxes!
The connection is that they are both impacted greatly by inflammation of the nerves and that inflammation is commonly caused by diet. Lists are available widely of foods that cause inflammation. I have been free of RLS since I targeted lowering systemic inflammation caused by diet and I have never taken any medication.
May I ask what diet are you on?
I try to avoid processed foods, foods containing refined sugars and staches, even foods made from flour and foods containing refined seed oils (what's labeled 'vegetable oil')
Would you recommend any books on the subject?
I heve not read books on the subject but got most of my information from around sixteen years of research on youtube and following Dr Mark Hyman and others on Facebook. however one book I have seen on Amazon is 'The Inflammation Spectrum' by Dr Will Cole. Amazon will no doubt suggest other similar books.
As it happens I came accross this today, it's not specifically aimed at inflammation but inflammation is mentioned. youtu.be/IZHQ8g1Ddjk?si=LKk...
I have both. I’ve never heard of a link, but I guess it makes sense
I'm sure both are linked to dopamine (and/or iron) dysfunction in the brain. Along with addiction, actually. Everyone in my entire family has one, two, or all three, and everyone in the latest generation is pretty far along the ADHD/autism spectrum as well.
Yes I’ve commented above, I’m waiting for an adhd diagnosis, I don’t really need a diagnosis however the links to RLS and a past unhealthy relationship with alcohol are so strong I want to understand more!
The reason that your entire familly is suffering is probably because you're all eating basically a similar diet.
Yes and no. The previous two generations of my family, intensely alcoholic, certainly didn't eat SAD--there WAS no processed food for most of their lives--though that was/is a factor for some younger generations now. The original generation was poor enough to still eat a diet higher in carbs than ideal, though. I think these issues are the usual "genes load the gun, environment pulls the trigger" issues. I eat ketovore now, which is why I'm off my RLS meds. But I can't change nutrition for anyone else, sadly.
I have rls and plmd I'm waiting for a adhd assessment. I've seen lots of bits and bobs saying there's a link.
Is the assessment because you have RLS/PLMD and are routinely being tested for ADHD because of summat else?
I have both, as well. I tried taking Concerta for awhile (about 20 years ago) which really helped me focus, for about 4 hours. Then I’d crash hard, though, so it wasn’t worth it. My RLS wasn’t as bad back then, so I’m unsure if the Concerta had any effect on it.