have been taking Targin 10 mg morning and night to treat acute spinal deterioration and also severe restless legs. I also developed pulmonary fibrosis a terminal lung condition my doctor put me on Kapanol 10 mg morning and night to reduce my night coughing and help me sleep however this medication makes me extremely drowsy the next day and I’m wanting to stop using it. My doctor said to stop using it and go back on the Targin I did this for one night. I nearly went mental with my legs, restless legs and my body jerking. I developed flu like symptoms and nausea. I believe I had gone into withdrawal. I cannot taper the Kapanol because the 10 mg capsules are the lowest dose. Just asking if anyone else has been in this position and what did they do to get off Kapanol but still use something to treat severe restless leg syndrome. Thank you.
Coming off Kapanol (morphine sulphate) - Restless Legs Syn...
Coming off Kapanol (morphine sulphate)

You can taper. You can get an inexpensive jewelry scale on Amazon ($11 in the US) that measures down to .01 gram and open up the capsule and measure the contents. Then use that to measure the amount you want to reduce by.
Just what I was going to suggest.
No different to "lining Coke" 😅
Empty capsules can be got on Amazon, if you need a lot.
Good luck with the tapering.
The targin (oxycontin) should be 1.5 times stronger than the morphine. Of you took both in the same dose, you got less coverage on the morphine. So actually it is strange that you experience what seems like withdrawal effectswhen you went back to the stronger Targin, and not when you switched to the less strong Kapanol/morphine.
Or did you take a hogher or multiple doses of the Kapanol?
Only took 2x10 mg of Kapanol. Yes I thought because the Targin was stronger that I would be ok but not so.
When you were only on targin was your RLS controlled? Why did you switch?
Sorry about your health situation. The scale is a good idea to taper. Have you tried tramadol for RLS? Works like a charm although it’s not a strong drug but helps with the neurological part of RLS. Mine completely goes away unless I accidentally consume a trigger like aspartame or sucrolose. Antihistamines are a huge trigger for me too. All my best to you.
Thank you. Yes I did take Tramadol for a couple of years and then it gradually stopped working. Good to know that it helps you. Think the scale is a good idea.
If the tramadol worked and stopped working could you increase it? According to the Mayo algorithm 100 - 200 mg is the usual effective dose and with your diagnosis you could go even higher.
The other thought for the sleepiness caused by the Kapanol is to take adderal or ritalin in the morning. It should wear off by night.