A caring friend sent me this article about genomic research on RLS factors. Winkelman et al. are quoted.medscape.com/viewarticle/so...
RLS Genetic Research article - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS Genetic Research article

healthunlocked.com/rlsuk/po... study unfortunately doesn't mention ANY new treatments. The lead author, Dr Steven Bell at Cambridge, has said that he hopes his gene study will lead to new treatments or repurposing existing meds.
It looked so wonderful at first, but unless it leads to new meds OR even forces doctors to prescribe the meds that DO work ( methadone and Buprenorphine), we will continue to be treated poorly.
Huge sigh.
Very interesting. You can get your genes tested 23 & Me which I did and it showed I had the genes associated with RLS even though I had no family history of it,
The Winkelman in the article is a different Winkelman from the one we know.
The study assumes that RLS is the result of nerve signal transmission issues but wahat if the transmission side is working correctly and that (as I believe) it is a problem with the sensors? Inflamed nerve sensors are hyper sensitive and may send out signals randomly. I have eliminated my RLS without meds by concentrating on lowering my systemic inflammation.
As far as I remember (it’s been a while since I read the paper) the study doesn’t assume anything. It is a huge association study of the ‘genes’ (changes in DNA base pairs) of people with and without RLS. Its RESULT is that most changes in DNA base pairs in people with RLS are in genes that are involved in the development of the neurological system. Hence it SHOWS that basically (literally!) RLS IS a neurological issue. And it also points at which parts of the neurological system are involved.
I'm not saying that RLS isn't a neurological issue but if it's wholely genetic how do you explain that I've eliminated mine with a change of diet?
Usually with genetics in relation to diseases, it is a predisposition. One may or may not develop the disease. Unfortunately, the ‘environmental’ part in the development if the diseases isn’t the same for everyone with the predisposition and the ‘environmental’ isn’t as controllable for everyone.
I am really happy for you that keto works so well for you. Still, I imagine it is not always easy to stick to your diet. I really admire you in doing that so well, apparently. 👍🏻