You gave me very helpful advice after blood test iron panel back in February when results were: units microgm\l
Ferritin 77
Iron. 28
Transferrin 2.46
Transferrin saturation 45%
Total iron binding capacity 62
and I've been taking iron supplements as you advised alternate days since then.
My blood tests were repeated earlier this month and ferritin levels improved, now 112
Transferrin saturation has lowered now %37
Overall serum iron slightly lower at 23
Total iron binding 63
Transferrin about the same
All fall within NHS normal ranges
So do I continue to take the supplements?? Is my ferritin likely to get any higher?
My restless leg symptoms are not bad ATM, some symptoms most nights but settle down fairly quickly with some stretches. It's hard to say if they have improved as so variable- had definitely been worse than this when I first signed up to health unlocked though.
Thanks so much