I just had blood work after 2 infusions. My Ferritin went from 14 to 677. Is that too high?
High Ferritin : I just had blood work... - Restless Legs Syn...
High Ferritin

Anything under 1000 is ok.
Apart from the infusions, having an illness or infection will also raise ferritin.
Nope - mine is that high.
Is it that way normally, or after infusions?
Mine was just from taking iron tablets
Impressive. I can't get anywhere near that number with Vitron-C pills.
That's probably because it is slow release which bypasses the area where iron is mostly absorbed.
Ah, did not know that. What would you recommend?
This is my usual advice:
take 325 mg of ferrous sulfate which contains 65 mg of elemental iron, the normal amount used to increase ones ferritin, or 50 mg to 75 mg (which is elemental iron) of iron bisglycinate with 100 mg of vitamin C or some orange juice since that helps its absorption. Ferrous sulfate is fine for most people, but if you have problems with constipation, iron bisglycinate is better. Also take Lactobacillus plantarum 299v as it also helps its absorption.
Take it every other day as more is absorbed that way, preferably at night at least 1 hour before a meal or coffee or tea and at least 2 hours after a meal or coffee or tea since iron is absorbed better on an empty stomach and the tannins in coffee and tea limit absorption.
If you take magnesium (or magnesium rich foods), calcium (or calcium rich foods) or zinc, even in a multivitamin take them at least 2 hours apart since they interfere with the absorption of iron. Also antacids interfere with its absorption so should be taken at least 4 hours before the iron or at least 2 hours after.
Don't take your iron tablets before or after exercise since inflammation peaks after a workout. Don't take turmeric as it can interfere with the absorption of iron. If you take thyroid medicine don't take it within 4 hours. It takes several months for the iron tablets to slowly raise your ferritin. Ask for a new blood test after 3 months.
OK, thanks. So is the issue with Vitron-C that the 65mg of elemental iron is carbonyl iron (which is slow release) and not ferrous sulfate?
Yes because it is slow release. Any iron that is not slow release with the 65 mg of elemental iron would be fine. I just mentioned the 2 most common ones.
It's fine. As Madlegs says, anything under 1000 is fine. It will drop substantially. Mine was 785 after my infusion and dropped to 450 within 3 months. It's now around 300, 5 years later.
You got your infusion on 9/8. You need to wait 8 weeks before testing for your ferritin after an infusion, otherwise it shows higher than it really will be.
It’s best to wait 8 weeks till after the infusion then test. Any sooner and the numbers could be inflated. I went from 30 to 114. Iron sucrose.
I have also had two infusions and like you my ferritin is now over 650. My GP is extremely anxious about this and is now checking me out for hidden problems like cancer. I explained that the infusions were for my RLS. Having said this, my RLS has not responded to the higher ferritin levels and severely affects me every single night. Makes you wonder if the answer to continual RLS is actually iron levels.
I can dig what you're saying. I've come to believe that for some, iron is instrumental, but not for others. Unfortunately, the more variables, the more difficulties in finding one's personal remedy.
So true regarding variables and finding one's personal remedy! Also, I find my RLS to be episodic. One night it's waking me up a couple times and another, uncommon, night it's not a problem at all. I can't seem to figure that variance out (it's not from taking iron that evening, not particularly from caffeine or alcohol, and doesn't seem to be from sugar) -- although taking two Advil or one Tylenol before bed is one thing that I know helps, and how much I do or don't work out might be a factor.
But, my RLS is generally better vs 4 months ago, when I started working on it. It's not gone by any stretch, but it's probably 25% to 50% better. I suspect, but am certainly not sure, that it's from: My iron levels rising, B12 injections (weekly), 1x-2x a day Lidocaine patch on my back (where I injured my back 10 months ago and which caused my RLS to go from minor to severe), that I'm eating less sugar than I used to, and/or maybe some anti-inflammatories (although, I'm doubtful of that).
Eventually, I'll probably have to decide whether to switch over to Gabapentin.
Net: I hear you regarding the variables! Yet, for a while, I just wanted to throw everything at it to get relief. Now, I might need to take one thing away at a time to see what is really helping.
Ferritin has little to nothing to do with RLS. It’s more about serum iron. And even raising that at night as I do is only a band aid.