As a sufferer of RLS I have been reasonably controlled for the past year on Tramadol And codeine plus diet and supplements etc . I’ve been to hell and back getting off Ropinarole and hVe no desire to repeat that . Lately , this past week or so I am again having evening and night occurrences of RLS . Recently I was put on B12 and BPlus for energy issues. Other than that there has been no change in my regime. I’m afraid I may be augmenting from Tramadol which I take 150 mg nightly for a year now . Does anyone have any experience with this ? I am so afraid of a repeat of augmentation . Any suggestions from the wise and experienced folks if this group would be much appreciated. Thanks
Tramadol augmentation??: As a sufferer... - Restless Legs Syn...
Tramadol augmentation??

Only about 2% of people suffer augmentation from tramadol. It is possible that you are one of the unlucky ones.
It might be worth asking to change to Oxycontin at the appropriate dose. You can't augment on that.
You could email Dr Buchfuhrer at
The little yellow icon on opening page.
Give him your details, and he can advise you. You could then take this to your team, who should be open to the input of such an eminent Dr.
Good luck.
Thanks so much for your reply . I will take your suggestion and email Dr. B for his advice . I was hoping not to have to go the Oxy route but it’s not the worst alternative . I’ll post here later re outcome . Thanks again Madlegs1
I've been on Oxycontin for 2 years now.
What dose do you take ? Is it the only medication you take now ?. Can you provide a brief history of your RLS ?
I've experienced rls for as long as I can remember. Tied it to raising agent in biscuits when I was young.
Had a major back operation 6 years ago, had a horrific job getting off fentanyl after release from hospital.
Then given quinine for rls ,which worked for 8 months, then was on Pramipexol for about a year.
At that point I was offered Tramadol for pain relief in the spine. I reacted badly to the opiate, so transferred to to Oxycontin 10, which had the same effect, but I persevered through insomnia and itching. The Oxy didn't last the 12 hrs as advertised ( this is fairly common) so I was given permission to add Oxynorm 5 to the mix. This is where I'm at now for the last 2 yrs.
The only issue that may occur, is if I take a trigger ( msg in thai curry is one Biggie) and get the fizzies at 2 in the morning. Then I take 250mg of Paracetamol to potentiate the opiate.
My only major regret, is I can't take alcohol at all. I used to love a fine whiskey and liqueurs.
But I have a great quality of life, and consider myself to be extremely lucky.
Okay, I am taking the same stuff, tramadol
I was taking 2mgs of ropenerol and I cut back to 1 mg or less
I've never taken more than 1 50 mg tramodol, and it always works.
I wouldn't give up on the ropenerol,id back down and take small doses, even though you have stopped taking it
It's the only thing out of all the medication that works for me.
Just try a chunk of the ropenerol and 50mgs of tramadol
I had the augmentation thing too, but when I cut back on the ropenerol, I'm fine now.
You don't need 150 mgs of tramadol.
You can safely take up to 300mgs, but I never have.
If RL was really bad I might wait for an hour, and take another 50mg.
But ropenerol is the best medicine for RL
I also was told by a sleep Dr, my sleep apnea could be an issue with RL,it is a sleep disorder, and I have the obstructive kind which means I stop breathing at night
You might look into that if you snore really loud.
I'm going for another sleep study soon, they have some new equipment.
Im claustrophobic and can't use the masks, also, I need the c-pap. Which feeds me oxygen while I sleep and Force's me to breathe
Hope this helps.
RL is a very devastating thing to deal with, Good Luck
Hi muftah i have Ben taking Tramadol for about a year one nightly but have had to stop due to it stirring up RLS I still have one pramipexole to get rid of but my doc said it is not comparable with my other antidepressants Amitryptoline and Anafronil so have found my legs settled after I stopped taking it. Panadiene Forte seems to be ok. But doc increased Anafronil and decreased Tryptanol - it seems a constant juggling act with meds for me.
Tramadol is the only opioid that can cause augmentation. I'm guessing because it's partly opioid, partly a dopinergenic drug.
Most likely low dose methadone is your best bet. Is ask your doctor.
Methadone is not an option here. You have to be on a special program aimed at opioid withdrawal like oxy , cocaine and such . So I need to find another option if it is augmentation from Tramadol .
Thanks for the response.
Bummer. It's for a very long half life so it's preferred here at Yale New Haven. One dose daily it has the best coverage. Other opioids are useful though. You just have to dose more than once a day.
The other most used opioid for RLS is oxycodon; the slow release version has been tried and tested. See for an overview
As soon as I have a sleep study done I will be going off ropinirole while taking an opioid . I would like to hear about your withdrawal . I was prescribed tramadol but it made my RLS worse. Pam
Now taking pramipexole which is really helping with rls even though endocrinologist says it maybe night epilepsy.Cant have an MRI due to metal aneurism clips in skull