Everybody talks about how great tramadol is, but I have been on Tramadol ER (extended release) for over 2 months now and it doesn't help. I've tried other extended release or long acting pain meds that don't help either. For some reason my dr won't prescribe the immediate release pain meds (which is the only thing that stops RLS in its tracks for me). Anybody else have this experience or something similar? How do I get my dr to prescribe the immediate release pain med So I can get some relief?
Tramadol ER: Everybody talks about how... - Restless Legs Syn...
Tramadol ER

i also got no relief from tramadol extended medication until I was switched to the short term I thought I was augmenting eventually and was started on horizant (gabapentin) I don,t think I can continue it As my side affects are many blurred vision ,dizziness weird gait etc. so don,t want to contemplate the next step as I have eliminated so many foods which I know exacerbate the condition. here to all in finding an answer to this.
I had RLS for 45 years before I started taking either Tramadol or Tramol for acute pain. Ive had them both at different times. It didnt make the RLS better or worse. I found that Mersyndol (which has codine in it) helped me sleep but I had insomnia, sleep apnea and anxiety issues that all wrecked my sleep as well as RLS. I take it VERY infrequently and only if I have 4 or 5 nights in a row without sleep AND I will only allow myself to take it 2 nights in a row as it is addictive, makes me feel dopey the next day and can cause severe constipation if taken too often. I dont know if this info helps you but I do hope that you find relief soon.
It’s odd that people with the same condition respond differently to the same meds. What works well for one doesn’t for another. I think Tramadol Extended Release works well for me. Unfortunately my neurologist wants me to stop taking it so I have a battle ahead on Tuesday when I see her next. I haven’t taken immediate release so can’t comment
Change your doctor
Tramadol did nothing for me, didn’t even work for period pain lol
I asked my Doctor for time released. He responed that my insurance plan does not cover them.
My doctor in the U.K. has prescribed me 6 a month. They’re under the cosh from the Department of Health so cant act freely. There’s a moral panic about Tramadol because of recreational overuse. I find it’s very helpful. Have also found relief from Glutamate tablets. They supplement Pramipexole and Gabapentin. Kratom helps too. Neurologists who know about RLS might be more helpful.