F58 UK
Update on withdrawing from Ropinirole tablets.
I have had RLS for over 10 yrs and tried Pramipexol, then changed to Ropinirole. After visiting consultant they recommended Gabapentin. After advice from this forum I am reducing my Ropinirole. My Ropinirole dose was 1.5mg 3 x day. Gabapentin 100mg am. Pm and 300mg at night.
Currently taking Ropinirole 0.5mg pm and 1 mg at night. Gabapentin 100mg afternoon and 300mg at night. I have been reducing Ropinirole by 0.5mg a week.
Up until now it’s not been too bad, it has been 6 weeks and now I have RLS all the time of varying severity depending on the time of day. When it starts to get intolerable I take over the counter cocodamol tablets. With taking 300mg Gabapentin at night my sleep has increased from an average of 4 hours a night to 5 hours a night.
I still wake up at 5am and can’t go back to sleep and feel exhausted in the morning, the drowsiness doesn’t wear off until mid morning. I stopped taking the morning Gabapentin due to the drowsiness. I am also eating for England and have put at least a stone (14 pounds) of weight on, I was already obese
I am still living in hope that the Gabapentin will be my saviour after discontinuing the DA’s but am concerned that if I have to increase the Gabapentin dose I’ll be a walking zombie which is what I was already.
I still have to wait 2 months before returning to the consultant and I am praying that the condition will have settled by then as this was not the course of treatment they advised. I am still waiting for my appointment for a blood test to see what my ferritin levels are (getting any kind of appointment is a nightmare in rural Oxfordshire).
My mental health is still suffering along with my work and am on reduced duties and responsibilities.
Please be gentle. I just need to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.