I’ve had RLS for decades, and have been taking codeine 30mg for a few years which I think helps - not sure if it’s just a placebo effect. However, I also have reflux for which I was taking Omeprazole 10mg on which I was symptom-free. Several months ago I discovered that Omeprazole worsens RLS, so I stopped it, with immediate RLS improvement. I have been taking Gaviscon Advance since, mainly when I have reflux symptoms, and was coping with this ok. However, I have developed a dry cough and hoarseness for the last 4-5 weeks, which I know can be a symptom of the reflux. (I will see my GP soon about this!) What can I do? I am a keen choral singer so the cough/hoarseness are a major problem with this. I know Ranitidine etc also exacerbate RLS so there seems little choice. Has anyone else experienced this dilemma?
Gastro oesophageal reflux: I’ve had RLS... - Restless Legs Syn...
Gastro oesophageal reflux

(Also see below)
I'm sure you'll already have looked at general NHS guidance on helping to avoid reflux:
eat smaller, more frequent meals
try to lose weight if you're overweight
try to find ways to relax
do not have food or drink that triggers your symptoms
do not eat within 3 or 4 hours before bed
do not wear clothes that are tight around your waist
do not smoke
do not drink too much alcohol
do not stop taking any prescribed medicine without speaking to a doctor first
Assuming you are already following the above...
As you've found, symptoms of laryngopharyngeal reflux can include hoarseness and other voice disorders, sore throats and cough.
As Gaviscon Advance isn't controlling this, have you tried other formulations of Gaviscon such as Double Action just in case? Unfortunately, though, in really bad cases of acid reflux no form of Gaviscon - or other OTC medication - is likely to be strong enough.
A doctor will probably recommend omeprazole (which I know you were on) or lansoprazole: some find that if these are taken just once a day in the morning they MAY not cause RLS symptoms, but in severe cases they have to be taken in the evening as well which can prove problematic...
Beyond this (and I haven't looked back at your medical history, so this may already have happened) you may need to be referred to a specialist for a gastroscopy, tests to check for bacteria that can cause heartburn, or surgery.
BTW some forms of Gaviscon contain aspartame (E951), which I find triggers my RLS. Gaviscon Advance uses saccharin (E954), which I've not tested but which may be safer.
I also have this, confirmed at ENT appointment and advised to take lansoprazole in the morning and a good dose of Gaviscon liquid just before putting my head down to sleep. Though wary that it would mess up my well controlled RLS, I thought I should try it at least and it's helping and thankfully seems not to have had any effect on my sleep.
I take one codeine 30/500 and one Trazodone 50mg at night and keep my iron levels up with Gentle Iron. I'm one of the lucky ones who responded really well to gettting ferritin up over 100 and don't have a history with DAs. Took one pramipexole, found this site the next day, never went near them again and started on the iron. Perhaps this allows me a bit of leeway to take something like lansoprazole for a period of time that others who've had a long struggle with DAs and other meds might not get away with.
This is another case of us all being different once I could no longer tolerate omeprazole I switched to ranitidine and it did not cause RLS . For some reason ranitidine was no longer prescribed for me.and I now take famotidine with no problems . I may not always tolerate it but so far so good.
Thank you for all your comments, which have been helpful. I tried myself back on Omeprazole 10 mg, taken in the morning, and almost immediately had bad RLS again so promptly stopped it! (I had been hoping to take it long enough to see if my cough/hoarseness improved.) Plain antacids such as TUMS definitely not enough. I will have to be more diligent with lifestyle changes to combat the reflux I think, and will look into the pre/probiotic suggestion too. I intend to see my GP re the cough anyway, and will ask about changing to Gaviscon Double Action too. Thank you all again.
My GP has just started me on Famotidine to see if that class of drug suits me any better! Fingers crossed….
Had been taking Omeprazole 20 mg for years in the evening for acid reflux and it wasn't until I was able to reduce it to 10 mg but take it in the morning. Did my RLS improve. Might be worth a shot for you?