Why can't I take requip and Lyrica together? All the doctor tells me is that they don't go together and the pharmacy says the same thing
ReQuip and Lyrica: Why can't I take... - Restless Legs Syn...
ReQuip and Lyrica

They are wrong. You can. I can understand the doctor being ignorant, but I am surprised the pharmacist is. Look at the Mayo Clinic Updated Algorithm on RLS Https://mayoclinicproceedings.org/a...
That is the way you come off requip when you are augmenting.
Try calling another pharmacist or even the same pharmacist and explain that you are coming off requip and transiting to lyrica. Perhaps s/he thought you intended to take both together and keep doing that.
Also show your doctor the Mayo Algorithm. If s/he refuses ask for a referral to a neurologist or change doctors.
They are probably looking at this drug interaction site, BUT it says taking both MAY increase dizziness, especially in elderly.
However, dizziness is a common side effect of Lyrica when taken alone.
As SueJohnson says, the MayoClinic Algorithm does mention using pregabalin as you withdraw from Requip.
Can you find a new doctor/pharmacy?
hi Plught, I haven’t been on this site for awhile but will be happy to share what I’ve had going on with my RLS. IVE BEEN ON Requip for maybe 15 years?! I’ve had a new Neurologist for two years now and his main goal is to get me off of Requip. Having RLS himself he said he has never used Requip nor does he put any of his patients . The augmentation is really bad and he thinks there are other better ways to treat RLS. I was taking 6 - 8 mgs a day at one time but am down to one 2 mg and one 1 mg a day. In order for me to cut back though he put me on Methadone, two 10 mg a day. I’ve also been on Clonapin for 40 years so he also wants to get me off that. So he cut that dosage in half and added another methadone. I have okay days and some really BAD days that go on for weeks at a time. I’ve come to notice that with back pain, that really plays a huge part on my bad days. It all feels like an ongoing nightmare. When I have an RLS free night I thank God over and over. The rest of the time I try to think of all the other people who are up in the middle of the night either with RLS or another malady and pray for them. But there are other nights it feels unbearable. I don’t think this has probably helped you any but I do hope you have a good Dr who understands you and your plight. It’s an awful disease which not many not be understood by many people nor are they coming up with an answer. Take care and may your RLS nights be few.