Hi, my RLS is well controlled with Pramipexole and it has made a real difference to me particularly at night time. However I am finding that the RLS is really bad during flights, I was recently on a 5 hour night time flight and although I had taken the meds my legs went beserk with twitching and uncontrolable spasms, I walked about as much as I could and stood for about 2 hours but found it really distressing as did the folk sitting next to me. Has anyone else experienced this or know how to control it when travelling.
Air Travel: Hi, my RLS is well... - Restless Legs Syn...
Air Travel

Book your flight for early in the day and book an aisle seat so you can get up and walk around and preferably an emergency exit or bulkhead. Pack activities that serve as distractions. If you belong to the Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, download the Restless Legs Syndrome Special Accommodations Card to give to the flight attendant. You can join for $40 even if you don't live in the US and it is well worth it. RLS-UK also has a medical alert card available to members for things like flights. Otherwise be sure to talk to the flight attendant and explain that you will be walking a lot. Also taking an extra dose of your medicine can help.
All that Sue advises.
Also, if you can get some codeine from a pharmacy, they should help just for the flight.
Watch your food and drink before the flight- avoid high salt, alcohol, msg in any form and any other triggers your body may be susceptible to.
Watch the most exciting film etc you can get on the in flight screen.
Good luck.
I fly medium to long haul several times a year and have had the same problem a couple of times when I forgot to take my pramipexole early enough so took it on the plane so had to suffer til it kicked in , takes about 3 hours with me. I was the same walking around , standing at the back moving my legs and really suffering when the seat belt sign went on. When I take my pramipexole 0.18mg on time I am fine.
same as madlegs, I really watch what I eat both before and on the flight, look for triggers as well, mine are tomato, cheese as well as normal stuff, and if I have to eat it's usually the vegetarian option and no pudding. Magnesium lotion rubbed on legs works for me, we used to take bio freeze which helped my legs cool down fairly quickly. Loose clothing - no tight trousers or belt, or anything else. Stick to water and also short term 2x ibroprufen works for me, but I am aware of taking it correctly, taking it as we boarded I think helped keep it at bay a bit longer. We used to do long haul from UK to Aus so lots of preparation went into the flight, and most of the time it worked out. At the time I was taking neupro patches and then Prami, also there were a couple of exercises like squats and tippy toe exercises that you could do in the loo without looking strange. 😀
I couldn’t do anything after 1- no flights, no movies, no theater…. Got off it on gabapentin and no day RLS
I take 100 mg tramadol. Opioids are the king in rls in my books