Good Morning,
Just a quick update. I am now on an as needed basis for Dipyridamole.
Recently my wife and I went on a road trip for our anniversary to a Hot Springs. It was a 2 hour drive to get there and we drove around the mountains for a few hours as well.
I am sure the last sentence triggered a few people. I used to like car rides and we have driven across the US several times with our children. We once drove from Oregon to Florida to watch a Space Shuttle launch. However RLS put an end to that. I really don't like car rides especially if I am driving.
This time was different, at 7:30am about 30 minutes before we left I took 225mg of Dipyridamole. Wow, the difference was amazing. How do I know this is not a placebo? I have PLMA (Periodic Limb Movement while Awake). PLMA only expresses itself when RLS kicks in. I cannot control my PLMA it is involuntary. I get anxiety, everything fells buzzy and I am irritable. I am not sure how to express how RLS feels.
225mg of Dipy and I felt like a whole new person. No stress, no jumping, just relaxed. It was so different it was hard not to think about it. My wife even commented on it!
There is hope!
I hope I am not annoying people. This is all new to me and I am trying to figure it out in real time.