I posted a few weeks ago that I was going to try this drug following a small study which found it helpful for RLS sufferers.
Previously I was using pregabalin (200mg) and Kratom to treat my rls. Although I got sleep on that regime, I felt really dopey and ‘druggy’ during the day.
I titrated up gradually on dipyridamole and am now taking 325mg (the max dose in the study was 400mg). Over the first couple of weeks I eliminated Kratom and reduced pregabalin to 125mg. Reducing/eliminating these caused withdrawals including exacerbated rls which made it impossible initially to assess dipyridamole.
It became apparent that dipyridamole alone was not enough to cover my Rls symptoms even after the withdrawals settled down. I would say Dipyridamole definitely muffles symptoms but I am still woken up by an urge to move. What is fascinating is that it does completely eliminate the awful crawly feeling. I thought that was an intrinsic part of the urge to move but apparently not. I hardly ever get that feeling now.
To get some sleep, I added in a tiny dose of pramipexole (half of a .088 tablet). That combination works brilliantly to control all my symptoms. I am now planning to use pranipexole at that dose 5 nights a week and take a break from it for two nights. I am hoping that at the very low dose and with regular breaks I will not augment for a while.
On this regime, I am getting the best sleep I have had in ages but the real benefit is that I feel reasonably alert and normal during the day - not nearly so druggy or dopey. This is true even when I don’t get such good sleep at night.
My next aim is to gradually eliminate the remaining pregabalin (125mg currently) by reducing at a rate of 10% per 7 to 10 days.
So far, I am really pleased with the outcome of my dipyridamole experiment and I plan to continue to take it. The imponderable is whether I will be able to maintain the pramipexole at the very low dose. If I find I gradually need more I may try introducing some Ldn as this combination seems to be successful for some. Hopefully I won’t need to ...