Kes Winder
24 Jul 2023, 12:27
to HealthUnlocked
Hi Sue Johnson,
I would like to share a recent visit to my sleep clinic doctor who's dealing with my RLS condition.
He agreed that due to my symptoms aurgmentation is a strong possibility therefore he has prescribed Pregabalin tablets in 50mg to be taken one before bed time and to come off Ropinorle. He did not seem to reassure me that this would be a solution to reducing my symptoms and am now concerned that if they do not work I have a follow up appt in 3 months time with him.
1. He seemed to suggest taking pregabalin would take over the Ropinorole within a couple of days?
2. What would you advise is the appropriate dosage I should take if 50mg is not enough?
I hope you don't mind but all our comunications thats relevant to my condition I have left details for his perusal.
Any help as usual is much appreciated.
Kindest regards
Also having started Pregabalin, I take 2 50mg in the morning and two in the evening either amounts seem to be working so I was told to try 300mg a day but this still is not working please advise if you can.