Hi everyone,
My partner is Irish and he is in his late 40s. He's suffered mild RLS for a couple of years, the late night squats and walks around the kitchen used to work until we started renovating our house late last year. Went to the GP early this year and got put on Miramel (0.18mg pramipexole, as 0.25mg pramipexole dihydrochloride monohydrate). Within months, he had to increase dose to two tablets but that stopped working and now he's been prescribed Pregabalin Zentiva 50mg.
We thought of seeing a neurologist but the last time he had to wait 18 months. I don't think there are a lot of them here in Ireland. It's frustrating for us not to be able to speak to a RLS professional and the GP had asked him to stop pramipexole cold turkey and switch over to Pregabalin. To be honest, we are now trying to follow the transition process mentioned here as we read that you have to slowly wean off. It would be great to understand why there's a need to wean off.
Soon after he got prescribed Pregabalin, I think he tried cutting down Miramel by 1/2 table every few days. But I guess that might have been too quick because the symptoms were getting worse. Last night, he took 2 Pregabalin but had to take 1/2 Miramel and he said eventually he slept for a couple of hours. I wonder if he should stay on this 'concoction' for 3 weeks, as SueJohnson suggested, or maybe 1 Pregablin (since it's not effective until you're fully off pramipexole?) and 1/2 Miramel for 3 weeks and then try to remove Miramel?
P.s., he did do the blood tests and specifically asked for ferritin and transferin to be tested. However, the GP said it was all in normal range but I suspect he might not know what normal range is for people suffering from RLS. So we are trying to get a copy of the report...
I really empathise with anyone who is suffering from RLS and also their partners. I don't think I've stopped worrying for him, taking all these drugs and still not able to sleep. It's also worrying that he might have to be on them forever and we don't know what the long-term side effects are? A recent study reported possible dementia for long term use of Pregablin?! It's all very sad and scary...