Hi Judy here from Australia. I have had RLS for 30 years or more. I think my mother did too but it wasn’t diagnosed. My daughter has had it since being pregnant with her first child.
After much research and realising what I had I saw a sleep doctor about 10 years ago who commenced me on Sifrol which was the first line of treatment at that time. I was so grateful to him as I was then able to have a decent sleep without being awake most of the night.
Over time I gradually increased the dose to 0.75mg - 3 tabs but unfortunately started to develop augmentation.
I tried to reduce the dose but started to have quite bad RLS and became sleep deprived.
Anyway I just wanted to give everyone hope as I now manage my RLS with Sifrol 0.25mg and Gabapentin 300mg taken together at 8pm every night and don’t appear to have any side effects including augmentation from the sifrol.
Just as an addit I cannot have wine or anything containing sugar in the afternoon/evening because if I do I have the worst ever sleep to the point that it feels like I haven’t had any medication at all.
I hope this may be helpful for some