This is a great forum and I have read the linked Mayo clinic guidelines but would appreciate some help on interpretation of my iron levels, I am a big guy 220lbs, who has been on mirapex for years (at up over 2.0 but for bipolar depression) slowly coming down, I also had RLS, now I am at 0.75 but with definite augmentation that nothing is helping. I will go down very slowly, but my iron levels at most recent test:
NOTE THAT I did NOT stop iron beforehand (i didn't know, how many days should I stop before next test?) AND I did eat red meat night before!:
UIBC 238 ug/dL
IRON, SERUM 60 ug/dL
IRON SATURATION 20 % <----this seems very low, borderline on the Mayo guidelines for IV
FERRITIN 130 ng/dl
Any thoughts? By guidelines I am "above" 100 Ferritin, but is 20 saturation low (?yes?) for that amount?
Has anyone had any luck finding doctor or locale in Northern California for Infusions? My sleep doctor, is not very good, well informed, says "do not know where/how/insurance coverage issues".
Thank you! I am quite miserable. my Bipolar 2 Depression gets worse when mirapex below 1.0 and yet, RLS augmentation has been terrible. Gabapentin worthless for me.