Currently suffering with severe Sciatica (as if existing comorbidities aren’t cruel enough). On he upside, however, I’ve not experienced RLS/PLMD in a week! And, as I’m a child feeling sorry for myself, I’ve been hitting almost all my triggers comfort eating. Could the RLS symptoms be suppressed as my body/brain is focused on coping with the Sciatica or could it be the Morphine I’ve been put on or severe lack of sleep or the Diazepam muscle relaxant? What say the wise sages of this forum?
RLS/PLMD has disappeared!: Currently... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS/PLMD has disappeared!
My money's on the morphine. Morphine was the first medication used successfully for RLS in the 1670s. Dr Willis prescribed it to London sufferers who were suffering nightly torture similar to 'the rack'.How much morphine are you on? Definitely tell your doctors. Opioids are very successful at low dose for severe RLS.
I’m taking between 2.5 and 5ml 3-4 times per day for breakthrough pain as the paracetamol, Codeine and Naproxen I already take weren’t effective. Even the diclofenac suppositories they gave me didn’t help.
The starting dose is 15ml, the effective dose 15-45mg so you're on an average dose. If that works, ask your GP to keep you on it. Refer them to the Massachussetts Opioid Register which shows long term, low dose opioids are effective and do not lead to addiction ( unless history of abuse) or tolerance.
That's great !!!
very similar to myself. I am prescribed Ropinirole for the RLS. I tried codeine, as per some of the research but no effect at all. But Diazepam as and when does work to a greater extent (but not 24/7) - problem in the UK is the maximum prescription is for one month due to its addictive nature- as if other drugs aren’t addictive!!!
But, this is the frustrating nature of RLS- what works for some doesn’t for others and as Sue J points out, with augmentation, some meds can stop working and reverse even. I feel like I am some kind of nightmare experiment at times!!!
Diazepam does tend to lead to tolerance in RLS, especially if taken every night, whereas opioids do not according to the Massachussetts Opioid study.Diazepam was the first med I was put on in early 2000. It lasted 6 to 8 weeks and then I was prescribed the dreaded Ropinirole. Now off it after terrible augmentation and hellish withdrawal.
How are you on the Ropinirole? If it's no longer working and augmentation has happened, it might be time to switch.
The morphine.I take it for RLS. Also diazapam which I took many years ago. X