Hello, Lovelies -- Tramadol has ceased it's magic for me. Most doctors in Mexico are not permitted to prescribe any opiates, however tramadol is OTC. I don't know if any of the other synthetic opiates are available, but will check. My question is because I have augmented on tramadol, will I have the same response to other opiates, synthetic or natural?
Tramadol: Hello, Lovelies -- Tramadol... - Restless Legs Syn...

I've been on 10 mg/day of methadone for 4 years without building up any tolerance. Of course, i expect that I'll need to continue on it for my remaining days (and nights).
I’m finding all opioids are different so you could have other problems even if it’s not augmentation. Some of them seem to induce RLS for me and others make me deeply depressed. I don’t have any explanations for any of this really, it’s trial and error for all of us. I’ve gone back to Tramadol myself because of problems with other ones. ;(
I also take Tramadol. I have found that I metabolize any medication quickly and get to tolerance in a short amount of time. I have not augmented on Tramadol, but it does start to lose its effectiveness. When that happens I trade off and take Oxycodone for a couple of weeks then go back to the Tramadol and it works great again for a month or so. This alternating of medicines has worked really well for me and has allowed me to keep the dosage of both low. If you have actually augmented then this won’t work for you. Tramadol is the only opiate that carries the potential for augmentation.
take Methadone 10mg, if after a week that doesn’t cut it, go to 15mg some need 20mg
Side effects are terrible but it is better than RLS