I had my fifth vaccine yesterday, the Moderna bi-valent. For the first time in over 14 months, I had RLS for 4 hours in the night. Hopefully it means I'm making a response to the vaccine. And hopefully my Buprenorphine will work normally again tonight!
Bi-valent Covid Vaccine: I had my fifth... - Restless Legs Syn...
Bi-valent Covid Vaccine

Yes as I'm sure you are aware, the vaccine can cause one's RLS to flareup. Good luck tonight.
I don’t know if we have the bi-valent available. I hope I am spared. Thank you for the update.
I had a Pfizer booster on Tuesday and also had RLS - both afternoon and evening - for the first time since dropping Rosuvastatin and diet drinks. Fine again on Wednesday night!
I had my booster on Monday and I had flu like symptoms for about 36 hours but no rls breakthrough at all! Last night it was back with a vengeance and my usual oxycodone didn't help what's so ever ...
it's a law unto itself ( rls) ... I do hope all is restored now Joolsg.
All back under control last night. I so rarely get any RLS these days that when it happens, it's a bit of a shock.
Hello Joolsg - Sorry to hear of your reaction to the vaccine. Each time I have had a covid vaccine my neuropathy gets much worse for a while but settles in a couple of weeks. I think the vaccine must affect any neurological condition but as long as it settles again its OK. I am going for flu jab tomorrow and I think will be offered covid booster as well. I would rather not have them together but because of compromised immune system I prefer to get it over with one trip out!!!
Good Wishes
I have had RLS every night for 3 years. I choose not to take any Covid Vaccine because of fear of worsening RLS. "BUT" I read that the Moderna helped someone with RLS. I took a chance and got the Moderna Vaccine, Going on three weeks now and no restless legs. I still take 1200 Gabapentin since I sense its ugly head is just under the surface, so I am looking forward to my second vaccine shot . Seems everyone is different with this Restless Leg thing. ( Note: I had Moderna and Flu shot at the same time.)
I hope the relief continues. If it doesn't, 1200mg gabapentin is quite a low dose for RLS. Take in 2 doses of 600mg 2 hours apart and consider increasing the dose. The average for RLS is 2400mg.
Thanks for letting us know! Please keep us posted, as I haven't had that one yet, and will hold off for a bit before getting it.
Absolutely back to normal the next night so don't hold off getting the booster as soon as you qualify. In London if you're over 65 or clinically vulnerable you can get it now.
Better to have one bad night & be protected against the surge in Covid cases. Here in London cases are increasing and hospitalisations are up too.
this is Crazy! I went to the hospital in Portland and CAUGHT Covid!
I did a 50 mile bike ride the next day, felt the chills when I got home. I was undressing in the bathroom and immediately started and took a HOT bath. The next day was a rainy day, so I skipped riding. Saturday I was back riding.
Here’s the crazy part. My RLS is doing great! I still feel a little bit of a cold, congestion. No fever. I am still testing positive.
Whenever you have a virus it causes inflammation and raised ferritin levels. Paradoxically, raised ferritin helps RLS!
Do not exercise for at least 2 weeks after testing negative for Covid as exercise during Covid & recovery is linked to high risk of Long Covid. So rest as much as possible. I know you feel fine but long covid is very prevalent.
Like you, I caught Covid in hospital in z March having my immuno suppressant MS meds when nurses insisted I removed my mask for temperature check. Sadly, hospitals are not Covid safe as staff and patients no longer mask & no one is testing for Covid. My appointment at London's largest teaching hospital last week to see my neurologist face to face for the first time in 3 years was eye opening. Not a single member of hospital staff was masked.
I hope you recover soon from covid.