My neurologist referral didn’t go that well as far as rls goes, expect that he did follow a portion of Mayos algorithm that I brought along. The problem is that he kept saying I should switch to a different DA, which I declined. I told him I don’t want to go through this again in a year on another da. He was reluctant to prescribe any stronger opiod for getting off requip , but did agree with continuing tram and gabapentin, thankfully.
In my lab work, he Identified pernicious anemia and ordered b12 shots. I hope that helps. Ferritin is still high so no problem there.
I am down to 0.125mg of requip. You can barely find the piece of the tablet it’s so small. The last two reductions were tough for the first 48 hours but I still am able to get 3-4 hours of sleep with kratom and gabapentin.
Almost to the last step but nervous. Any advice on any of this would be helpful.