Wanting to try Kratom.: I am currently... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Wanting to try Kratom.

wairoa36 profile image
18 Replies

I am currently taking MSContin 30 mgs at bedtime.This has helped my RLS by reducing the severity of my restlessness. However I am getting almost no sleep and have to get up about 7 am with severe restlessness

I was taking Gabapentin 3oo mg tablets 6 but it was not giving me much help so my GP wanted me off them . As I tapered off them , I had several nights with 3 or 4 hours sleep— Heaven- but that sleep has evaporated.

I am desperate and looking at Kratom.

Does anyone use this drug?

I will be glad of any help.

I have corresponded with Doctor Buchfuhrer and he was not able to make any recommendations. That was extremely disappointing

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wairoa36 profile image
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18 Replies
Joolsg profile image

Hi wairoa

I’m so sorry you’re not getting much relief.

You only finished withdrawal from pramipexole and sinemet 3 months ago and you could still be having withdrawal symptoms.

The only thing I could suggest is to try changing the timing of the MSContin so that your body has 24 hour coverage and you don’t get ‘rebound’ semi withdrawal symptoms from the MSContin. Perhaps try 15mg at 9am and 15mg at 9pm.

Usually Gabapentin or pregabalin work with opioids by counteracting the wakefulness they cause. However, you would only need a low dose ( no more than 900mg Gabapentin) and should only take it at night.

I would suggest you stay on a small dose of Gabapentin at night only and try taking the MSContin twice s day.

I wouldn’t add Kratom to the mix yet.

It’s a shame Dr Buchfuhrer didn’t make any suggestions- he is normally excellent.

It can take several months after DA withdrawal before you find a combination of meds ( timing and dose) that can help so stick with the 2 meds you have and try adjusting the timing.

Also get your serum ferritin checked and ensure it’s above 100, preferably 300.

wairoa36 profile image
wairoa36 in reply to Joolsg

Many thanks for the practical advice. Actually it is close to 9 months since I got off the DAs . It is soooo long since I slept. That brought me in desperation to look at Kratom. I certainly did not mention it to Dr Buchfuhrer

My ferritin level is over 800 and rising.

My MS Contin is dispensed as a 30 mg tablet. I had thought perhaps twice daily might work, and will put your dosing to the sleep specialist when I see him in a month. Sleep apnoea is his forte but he

is really trying to help.

I agree with your suggestion to stay with the MSContin and the Gabapentin as the combination is the most promising so far, although falling a bit short currently. I will try different timing , and stay on some Gabapentin.

Thank you Joolsg , and Manerva for your help and advice. It is so encouraging to have your ear(s) In the wee hours desperation takes over, as you will understand.

LotteM profile image
LotteM in reply to wairoa36

Hi wairoa, Jools has given you good advice along the lines I was thinking about when I read your original post. With this added info, 30mg tablet of MsContin, another thought came back: maybe you should consider reducing your MsContin dose. Can you get 5 or 10mg tablets? I suggest this, because I take a generic of MsContin and find that it wales me up the first few hours after I have taken it. It calms the legs well, but can leave me mellowly sleepless. And in general it is always best to try to find your lowest effective dose. Oh, and don't wait until you see your sleep specialist again; talk to your chemist about the smaller tablet and of needed she/he can contact your doctor if further agreement is needed.

Jools suggestion to add in a bit of gabapentin to help sleep is worthwhile too.

Good luck. Quiet legs are very good, some sleep alongside it is of course the ultimate goal.

fleming007 profile image
fleming007 in reply to wairoa36

your ferritin level is very high:)

Good advice from Jools.

I'm guessing that if you were expecting Dr Buchfuhrer to comment on Kratom, as a medical pracititioner he couldn't do that. This is especially as the FDA is warning people not to use it.

I have read that Kratom can be effective for RLS and if you choose to try it then it's your decision. I hope however, it's an informed decision and you need to be aware of the dangers, not just the benefits.

I use it have used it for years when I ran out of pain meds as legs would twitch.

I recommend 2 to 3 grams every for to six hours.

You can use this to ween your self of ms30 . a little less every three days.

If you'd like a company with tested produst and great price let me know.

Its how I got off opiates. And kratom is working wonders for my RlS.

And use the red leaf strains

Red meant da the strongest

Shumbah profile image



I was on oxycodone , endone , stillnox and getting only 4 hours sleep nightly and flew from Australia to see Dr Glen Brooks in NYC

Dr Brooks changed my life over night put me on Buprenorphine 2 mg was the prescribed dose sublingual I have never had to exceed I mg.

My life is normal is gives my 24 hours cover.

Since then several others have contacted him and are now on buprenorphine.

He only prescribes buprenorphine and is happy for me to give out his personal email address .

Best thing I ever did ,no downsides life is full of peaceful nights and energetic days. There is so much I could say. If you look at my old posts I have given very detailed information.

I have had this medication reviewed by Professor J Winkleman and Professor Richard Allen both have said that Dr Brooks has acted in my best interest and that the evidence show my dose will not require increasing and should continue to work .

If you email Dr Brooks tell him his lady patient from Australia gave you his details .

Let me know how you go if you need any advice when you start Buprenorphine send me a private message.

I know some patients from this website that he has helped

He has simply helped over the phone and mailed them scripts , he is compassionate

All the best 🙂

Searcher55 profile image
Searcher55 in reply to Shumbah

I've got a feeling you might hv just saved my life :)

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to Searcher55

Please let me know how you go 🙂

Searcher55 profile image
Searcher55 in reply to Shumbah

I most certainly will 🤩

intermk profile image

I used Kratom for four years and it was very helpful. It completely stopped all symptoms including the severe pain of my RLS. But it was short-lived. I constantly needed more and eventually got to a point where the effective dose equaled the toxic dose. I feared that the lethal dose wasn't far off. Also, it time of action shortened over the four years. I could sleep a full 9 hours without waking and felt great during the days for the first couple years but over the last six months I was only getting about 3 hours of help, having to get up constantly to take more. At that point it was worthless to me. And it took me about two months to wean myself off Kratom. I have to agree with the others and not recommend getting started with Kratom. It's just a dangerous stop gap measure that's short-lived.

solticeart profile image
solticeart in reply to intermk

you can't take a lethal dose... you cant od on kratom! and if you had just tapered off it would have worked better. I did the same thing where I needed more and more but then I just took a lot less and it worked! Less is more with kratom. if you don't keep taking more and actually take less low and behold it will work better. Also other drugs incuding gabapentin and the other druigs they give you for RLs are also addicting and worse than Kratom. And anytime you are taking huge amounts of course it will be harder to get off of it but I'd much rather be addicted to a safe plant than an unsafe bad for you drug. kratom has no dangerous side effects like the drugs do. If I have to be addicted to something i'd much rather it be kratom than pain killers of other bad drugs that can kill me or make me very unhealthy.

Searcher55 profile image
Searcher55 in reply to intermk

This was my experience also

kygigi3 profile image

Kratom was a MIRACLE for my RLS. Just make sure to find good trusted online vendor. For rls try a red strain. Gabapentin was the worst thing ive ever had to get off of. Also gave me more permanent nerve damage. Its b556ad stuff and docs r just now figuring this out. Highly addictive. It quits working after awhile. Most docs dnt like nor want to hear about kratom. They want u to take Big Pharmas addicting drugs. There r many kratom support groups on fb. Good luck. Kratom is the way to go! And its not a drug lol. It's a natural supplement😁😢

solticeart profile image

HI I use it for RLS. I got RLs after going off methadone I used for Fibromyalgia for 18 years. It was bad. I was lucky to get 2 hours of sleep a night and I'd get RLS during the daytime too. I had some kratom I used to get off Methadone but stopped using it because I wasn't having any bad withdrawals. I went to a doctor who gave me Gabapentin which made me worse. He then tried 2 more drugs commonly given for RLs and they also made me a lot worse. I'd get it all over my body! so he gave up and I did my own research and discovered kratom works! so since I had some I tried it and of god.. it works so well! it's been almost 2 years and not only does it stop the RLs cold it also stops my pain better than any drug ever did. It can also help you heal I read. I think that might be true because I have hardly any pain anymore and now only use kratom at night to sleep. even my RLS is better. It's not as bad as it used to be, the weird feelings and pain I had in my legs is gone, I don't get it as strong or as often as I did. I still have it every night but sometimes I only need it use Kratom 2x instead of the 4 I was. I take 3 teaspoons in about half a cup if choclate milk in a shaker bottle. I was putting it in caps but they take an hour to work where the c.milk takes 15 min. The trick with the milk is use whole milk or it just turns to foam. I take one dose at 7 then go read until midnight then take another dose at midnight and some night I sleep all night, sometimes I'll wake up around 4 or 5 and have to take another does but I bought a 2nd shaker bottle and I mix up 2 at once nad put them in the fridge so If I do wake up I can just go drink it and won't have to mix it in the middle of the night. I use a mix of 2 teas. red bali and 1 tea of red elephant for night time. If I use any during the day I use 1 tea of White Indio or another white and 2 tea red borno. White is used for energy and it works! makes you feel like you could go out and do stuff which i now do! and reds are for pain with red bali being the strongest. I order mine from Kratom crazy and I buy in half kilo amounts ( around 70 bucks or so) there are a lot of good online sellers and I shop around for sales. If you sigh up for ther newsletters you will get emails with coupon codes to get money off. Good luck! Its changed my life. I rarley have to go to a doctor now!

wantokporo profile image
wantokporo in reply to solticeart

Dr. B said on a public forum that Kratom was an opiate. So there is natural and there is natural.

LotteM profile image
LotteM in reply to wantokporo

Sorry to say, but then dr B was wrong. It is not an opiate, i.e. derived (naturally or chemically) from the opiumpoppy (Papaver sommiferum), but a plant (Mitragyna speciosa) from a completely different family, remotely related to the coffee plant.

The alkaloids in kratom do however bind to the same receptors as opiates, the so-called opium-receptor mu, kappa and delta. So its mode of action is quite similar. It is easy to get this wrong.

fleming007 profile image

Yeaa, I used this thing for a few months, I have a blockage at work, a lot of sleepless nervous nights could affect my health, you know ...Aaaand, in short, everything bugged me and I decided to take it.So, it was really great, I mean that my irritability is over;)

As a conclusion, don't be afraid to buy it, it's more scary to continue to be sick! Perhaps many people think that this is wrong and that it is not worth spending time and money on opioids but it is completely safe and this will help get rid of irritability and fatigue . I immediately decided that I would buy Kratom from thegoldenmonk.com after reading the kratom guide. I did not even think that the effect would be so awesome and that it could return me to normal life.

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