Does anyone have a heaviness feeling in their legs that prevents them from being on their feet for a long time? If so, do you think this could be related to RLS? If anyone out there has experienced this, have you found anything that helps relieve this feeling?
Heavy feeling in legs: Does anyone have... - Restless Legs Syn...
Heavy feeling in legs

Blood circulation issue?
If you exercise your legs, does that help?
Yes, I do. I can only walk a short way and I have to either lean against a wall, or sit down for a while. My Dr has referred me back to my surgery. X rays show nothing, so they think nothing is wrong. Pain hurts...
chronic venous insufficiency? it is sometimes related to restless legs and veins really dont have to show to have it.

You know, I've always wondered if I had varicose veins (not sure if that's the same thing as chronic venous insufficiency), but I always brushed it off because I don't see my veins showing. Can anything be done about it?
My heavy achy legs and thighs which still throb when I sit/lie down is due to spinal stenosis. I do exercises for this and it helps.
I have been complaining to doctors for years about my legs feeling like lead at time and have had no answers whatsoever.
Yes, definitely, find a vascular doctor and they can check if you have them based on the heavy feeling you are describing using ultrasound. If you do have some regurgitation, or poor circulation, they can laser the veins or inject them and the feeling will go away.

This writer is absolutely correct. Not knowing where everyone lives, I 'll give you my short version of my very recent experiences: I knew I had vascular insufficiency (a definite medical diagnosis) but my legs and ankles swell. I had my ultrasound done at a cardiologist office, I've had a procedure to close the great saphenous. I also failed my stress test at the cardiologist. I had an angiogram and now have 2 stents in my heart. The blood is flowing through my veins great now. I still have rls but I have to tell you I'm not crawling out of my skin before dinner is on the table . I hope there is something in there that helps someone.
Some medical opinion says that some restless leg symptoms can really be varicose veins causing the aching, throbbing and heavyness.

I have heard that! Or maybe I read about it way back when I first started experiencing RLS. Thank you! I will definitely check into this!!
I have increasing heaviness and extreme discomfort the longer I'm on my feet. I have MS and my RLS is managed well atm with low doses of gabapentin. I used only various types magnesium helped me for 6 years.
I also have heavy legs and shaky legs for no known reason. I have had investigations done but nothing has shown up. At times walking about my house is a major chore and I think I have chronic fatigue as well. So frustrating not being able to do the things you want. I am presently wearing knee high compression socks which does give me some relief to my heavy , tired legs. I was thinking it may be a side effect of Gabapentin that I take for RLS. Are you on Gabapentin?
Hi there. I also have a feeling sometimes of my legs being weighed down, starved for oxygen. I always assumed it was Fibromyalgia which I have had since 12 years of age.; RLS all my life. I can sometimes Almost collapse when I get to the top of the stairs. Other times OK. I am not that overweight and walk lots. Yet still feel that heaviness. Sometimes in my arms too. Can hardly hold cell phone to my ear, This is very interesting!
I hate this. I'm going to make an appt with a vascular doctor to see if he can find out what could be causing this. Otherwise, I don't know what else to do. Wearing compression socks helps some, but not 100%. Plus, after wearing them for several hours, they kinda cut into the skin at the top where they stop just under the knees. 🙃 I welcome any other suggestions from others who may have tried things that worked.
A vascular doctor seems like a good next step. Please let us know how it goes-it sounds like it is a common symptom among members of this forum! I really hope they get it figured out for you.
Aww..thank you, Guitarpickin! I am definitely going to make that appt now, and I'll let y'all know what I find out, if anything. Keep your fingers crossed!!
I experienced pain in my lower legs and could not stand for more than 10 minutes. All kinds of tests were done with no known cause. After about 8 months, and still no answers, I thought I would be in a wheelchair for life. Then my doctor decided to have my hips x-rayed, and found that I had severe arthritis in them. The pain was being referred into my lower legs because of the gradual change in how I walked. After having hip replacement surgery, I'm pain free. (Still have RLS though.)
yes I am experiencing this right now, what helps me is soaking my feet in warm water with Epsom salt
Does that last very long? I've soaked in a hot tub, but it doesn't last long after I get out.