Ketamine is routinely given as a drug to aid people in recovery after surgical operations. Most people, it seems, suffer no bad effects. Others, my wife among them, suffer terrible hallucinations and debilitating after-effects. She recently had to have two major emergency surgical op's and was given the drug after both of them. The effect is best described as similar to a dangerously "bad trip" on, say, LSD. She has been diagnosed with severe PTSD as a result of the drug and is currently receiving counselling to cope.
It is difficult, not to say impossible, to find any organisation or forum or indeed and people who really understand just how traumatic this experience can be. People think, "Oh, just a couple of bad dreams. Pull yourself together." In reality, she is still suffering the horrors (nearly a year since the ketamine was administered).
So, does anyone know of a help-organisation which deals with ketamine trauma as a result of post-operative use? Even a forum would be of some help. I have to stress that organisations dealing with the "leisure" use of the drug are no use whatsoever. Any help greatly appreciated.