It seems to me that lately a lot of posts have been so demonstrative about a particular course of treatment that they seem hostile to anyone who has a different opinion or experience.
As a frequent reader and occasional poster it makes me not want to participate by reading or posting. The feel, for me, is moving “warm and welcoming” to “opinionated and angry”.
I appreciate passionate feelings about important matters. I am, myself, very opinionated, but I also know what what makes perfect sense to me does not always work for others.
Bodies (and minds) are infinitely complicated and varied. What works for one person often does not work for someone else. Often we can’t figure out why this is true, nevertheless it is true.
Please, let’s tone down the rhetoric and remain the safe haven for RLS sufferers that this community has been for so long.
Let’s share information without expecting everyone to get on board or agree with our current hypothesis about RLS treatment.
I hope this is received with the loving care that I intend.