I’ve had muscle twitches below the knees for awhile. I’ve been thinking this whole time they are just RLS but I’m not so sure. Happens constantly (24/7), not uncomfortable but annoying, you can actually see movement (legs are still but you see movement under the skin). Thoughts?
24/7 muscle twitching in legs - Restless Legs Syn...
24/7 muscle twitching in legs

Look up "fasciculations". This is not RLS.
I’d say on balance that the muscle twitches or fasciculations are more likely to be related to nerves, unless you have quite advanced restless legs and are augmenting on high doses of a dopamine agonist. I had less frequent muscle twitches in my thighs and occasionally flutters in other parts of the body when I had back and nerve problems, and there is a well-known correlation between nerve issues (or neuropathy) and RLS so I imagine there will be a few people who get both. My view is that the nerve issues are caused by something else, but for some reason they tend to set off RLS which is probably pre-existing but maybe not really noticeable.
My twitches stopped / calmed down after getting on magnesium. I take ‘Natural Calm’ brand . Hope you find relief!