Does anyone get muscle twitching in their legs as a possible side effect from taking Pregabalin? Have found this an issue at night and during the day - neurologist says he’s never heard of this with this medication and to monitor it but it has not gone away…
Fascilations/Muscle Twitching with Pr... - Restless Legs Syn...
Fascilations/Muscle Twitching with Pregabalin

It's not likely. First you have been on it for awhile and you are just now having these. Second there is a study that gabapentin which is basically the same thing as pregabalin stopped fascillations at least in 1 person arquivosdeneuropsiquiatria....
It can cause involuntary muscle contractions but that is not the same thing as fascillations.
Thank you Sue - I have been having them on and off which seemed to coincide with the meds. I looked it up on and it broke pregabalin side effects down into various body parts, so for muscle twitching - for muscular skeletal it said 0.1-1% and for neurological effects 1-10% had reported. So I was surprised when the neurologist said he had not heard of it. Thanks again for your help x
I have involuntary toe movement with Pregabalin. Toes twitch/move till they hurt. They naturally stop when I put something heavy on thm. Horrible condition! It's listed as a side effect of the tablets.
I used to get fasciculations (and still do occasionally) which were a result of my nerves being aggravated after a spine/disc issue. Pregabalin tended to calm things down and I am pretty sure it didn't make them worse.
Hi soundofmetal
I wish I could help but I have no experience with pregabalin, only ropinirole.
I am taking 300 mg of pregabalin, and I experience tremor or twitching (not sure what's the difference) in my hands. It is worse at night and in the morning, and it wears off during the day. lists both tremor and twitching as a common side effect of pregabalin.