What about Magnesium?: I went to the... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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What about Magnesium?

Rlssucks1 profile image
9 Replies

I went to the store looking for something for RLS because I was out of my ropinirole. A woman (shopper) told me about Magnesium and how it helps her mother. So I tried it and haven't had hardly any episodes with RLS since. Even the smallest twinge doesn't last long.

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Rlssucks1 profile image
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9 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

Great it works. We've advocated mg for a long time here.👍

Jphickory profile image

Magnesium has also rendered my RLS nearly non-existent. I have written about it several times on this forum. I took a powdered form of magnesium citrate with great success for years. Recently the manufacturer of the product I buy changed their formula to magnesium carbonate. I was originally concerned about the change but so far (about two months of use) the carbonate has proven just as effective as the citrate.

For those of you reading this, that suffer from RLS, you may be thinking perhaps I only had very mild RLS. That is not the case. I am 57 years old and developed it in my teens. It is hereditary in my family (father and uncle both had it severely) and in the early years I adapted to the RLS by rocking in my sleep (side to side back and forth roll) while sleeping. In college I would often walk the hallways of the dormitory late at night because I couldn’t fall asleep due to the RLS. I was often tired due to lack of sleep and affected all aspects of my life.

Later in my working years, I would dread an early appointment at work because I never knew if I was going to get much sleep. About 10 years ago I was at my wits end with it and confided in a friend how hopeless and exhausted I was feeling. He recommended a store that sold vitamins and nutrients and said they had knowledgeable employees there and recommended I inquire if they had any suggestions for me. I explained to the salesperson I was suffering from lifelong RLS and if there was anything they could recommend I try. I was told to try the powdered magnesium citrate and to mix it with water. Their recommendation has changed my life. I have taken it ever since. I typically take it on an “as needed” basis. Ie If I go to bed and have RLS.... I get up and take the magnesium and typically within 5 minutes the RLS fades away. I still feel a slight tingling feeling but the irresistible urge to move my leg(s) is completely gone.

I know we are all different and the magnesium is likely not the solution to all cases of RLS. However, I feel obligated to keep telling others my story in hopes it may also work for them. Thank you

kicker2 profile image
kicker2 in reply to Jphickory

Hi Jphickory, just a "confirmation" to you (and to me) that I, too, rocked myself in my sleep as a child. There are still nights when as a single 59 year old, my body does this. as a baby and toddler, I even banged my head against my crib/headboard as I violently rocked. And.... when I had shingles 3 or 4 years ago, I was so miserable with BODY restlessness that I sat cross legged on the sofa and violently rocked all the way forward, hitting my head on the sofa cushions. Somehow that movement and impact on my forehead "soothed" me. I have not seen this "rocking" addressed on this site until now. How common is it? I take Life Extensions Neuro Mag (L Threonate form of Mg) and Magnesium Glycinate. What brand of powder mg do you take? How much?

Jphickory profile image
Jphickory in reply to kicker2

Thanks for the reply to my message. I haven’t met anybody else that rocked in their sleep like us. When I went to college I told my roommate to let me know if I was rocking in my sleep. It was interesting that when he would say in a normal conversational tone and volume “John you’re rocking” I was instantly aware that he said it. It made me realize I was in a very light state of sleep when I was rocking. I would then ask myself why I was rocking.... and the reason was I had an RLS type feeling through my entire body. The rocking relieved the feeling in my body like moving a leg temp relieves RLS in your leg. As soon as I drifted back to sleep the rocking would begin again.

For some reason, unknown to me, I mostly quick rocking in my early thirties as the frequency of the full body RLS i had experienced earlier in my life became much less frequent. I still dealt with routine RLS but usually limited to bedtime. I would often not be able to fall asleep for 3 or more hours as a result. The magnesium changed my RLS where it is mostly a nonissue for me now.

I take a product called Calm. It is in a powdered form. Two tablespoons in 4oz glass of water. amd take as I needed.

kicker2 profile image
kicker2 in reply to Jphickory

Thank you. One last note. I sleep alone and no room-mate to ask . I had a sleep study years back (to check for sleep apnea). The lady who watched over me as I slept hooked up to all those wires said I moved a lot in my sleep. She said I have periodic leg movement disorder. She wasn't a doctor, but interesting that I kicked/moved in my sleep. Because of the wires, I didn't feel comfortable sleeping on my side-- and therefore I likely didn't rock. Thank you for the note also about Calm.

1jay profile image

Can you (or anyone else) recommend what dosage please and how to take it. Thanks. Also, can you overdo it.

Legsandmore profile image
Legsandmore in reply to 1jay

Hi, l take New Era Mag Phos number 8.It works for me thankfully.

I take about 5 mini tabs when l feel my legs starting up.

It’s not a preventative, so l only use it when my legs start up.

I have tried all manner of other Magnesium, but it’s only the the New Era that works for me.

You can buy it online from Amazon.

Worth a try, and good luck.

1jay profile image
1jay in reply to Legsandmore

Thanks for your response. It’s good to know options. All the best.

DicCarlson profile image

There are many, many types of magnesium supplements. Here is a pretty good article. In addition to oral supplements many folks use magnesium oil (not really an oil, but a salt of magnesium usually mg chloride). Mg oil can be sprayed on your body. Epsom salt is also a magnesium salt, mg sulfate. Many people take epsom salt baths. Both the salts of Mg are absorbed through the skin.

For oral supplements I have started using Magtein (Magnesium L-Threonate). This is a patented formula sold by many retail brands. It is also call "Brain Magnesium" and absorption is quite good. I am also using Mg Taurate (combining Mg with the amino acid Taurine). This is also has high absorption rates.

A word about some of these supplements - they may say MgX 2000mg but they only contain 144mg of Mg in the end.

Food sources include green leafy vegetables and Pumpkin Seeds (150mg in just one ounce).


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