For any sufferers living in Republic of Ireland who are experiencing difficulty accessing an iron infusion (and those who enjoy alliteration), my GP recently organised for me to receive an iron infusion in a private Dublin hospital. I picked up some interesting tips about consultants who would be prepared to order this for their patients when I was in the 'infusion suite'.
If this information would be of assistance to anyone, please pm me and I will pass on details.
Unfortunately, it appears that an infusion is unlikely to be covered by health insurance policies unless you are suffering from actual anemia. It is very unlikely to be paid for by the hse so the cost is most likely to be born privately and is not insignificant. I have not yet had my bill but it was estimated to be about €1,000. However, for me, in spite of not enjoying hugely significant means, I was delighted to get it at all - I had previously considered travelling to the US just so that I could receive an infusion to see if it afforded relief.