Hi Everyone
I don’t know if anyone has experienced this, but a few nights ago it felt as though I was getting RLS in both my hands. Highly unpleasant! I’m not one of the sufferers who feels pain with this horrible disease, I get a sensation which I would describe as my muscles “itching”, or the feeling you get when you need to stretch multiplied thousands of times.
Sometimes I get a sudden shooting of intense nerve sensation (can’t describe it) that seems to start in my body and then shoots down my arms to the two end fingers in each hand. Not pain, but the feeling is so intense that if it carried on for too long it would drive you nuts.
I’ve suffered with RLS in my legs all my life, but I blame Tramadol for making it worse and I now get it in my left arm, neck and base of me spine. I don’t understand why it seems to be getting worse. I’m on 2x50mg off Pregabalin a day but still suffer with symptoms most nights. When I was a child I got it day and night, and at the moment it’s creeping into my days as well, even when I’m upright and moving. I know I’m atypical, but I think there are other sufferers out there who also experience this. Wish I’d never taken Tramadol!