IcyHot, sold in the US, is helping me with my RLS. It is similar to Aspercreme, the only difference is IcyHot has MENTHOL in it. Menthol is the ingredient that helps cure with RLS!. It is true!! I am using it, as a matter of fact, I haven't had the need to use it in the last week. It is like a miracle!!.
IcyHot for RLS: IcyHot, sold in the US... - Restless Legs Syn...
IcyHot for RLS

Hi, i use a product called Deep Freeze here in the UK, you are right its the menthol that helps. But i can hardly call it a cure for me. it helps but doesnt last all night and if my RLS is raging then it doesnt help at all.
Menthol is a "counter irritant", one of many, and can help relieve symptoms temporarily.
Sorry to say it isn't a cure.
No certain cure has yet been discovered.

I know there is no cure. However, let me tell you, I have been using the lotion with menthol every night for months and now, for some reason, I haven't had RLS for exactly 10 days!. I have even stopped using the lotion just to check what is going on.
That's great!
Let us know how you get on.

Hi Manerva!
I'm still using IcyHot on my legs and it still works!. I don't use it everyday, only when I feel my RLS is starting to bother me. I wish people believed me and tried this. It's real! it's true!.
IcyHot is sold in the United States and I have no idea if it can be found in other countries but surely enough, people can get some kind of lotion that has menthol in it. There's nothing to lose.
Best regards.
That's gteat that it's still working. Of course it's worth other people trying if they wish.
There are other products wih menthol or some other counterirritant in them.
In the UK there's Vicks, Olbas oil, Star Balm, Tiger balm and so on, all worth trying..
In have tried ICY HOT with Menthol, I magnitude out enough on, trying tonight and keeping my legs crossed. A few I read use but and seems to be goid, just wanted to mention and hope it gives me some sort of rekeif, it is better for maybe a day or two.
I bought IcyHot the other day via eBay. I'm sorry to say but it made absolutely no difference to my rls symptoms. But I'm pleased that it works for you. I wouldn't say that it was a cure though!
I did indeed. But to be fair I have been suffering with severe Rls for many years and have stopped taking ropinirole for nearly 6 weeks now. Perhaps I was being a tad naive in hoping it would help fix my symptoms. But as I said I'm pleased that it works for you. If only it were that easy for some of us! It goes to show we are all different and what works for one may not necessarily work for another!
I used IcyHot for several months before I noticed it started to work. It's not something that happened instantly. I'm sorry if I gave that idea.
No problem! I probably got a bit over excited and expected it to work immediately!! 😂
I will add that I am 59 yrs old and have had RLS since elementary school. I did not seek help until my early 20's (as being a child I did not know how to describe to my parents.....nor did I know it was any type of "condition"). Nevertheless, I was on Amitriptyline for a number of years. And eventually switched to Requip (Ropinirole) for probably the last 10 yrs. Typically, that works quite well. However, probably once every 4 to 6 weeks I need something more. And one particular night (out of desperation), I was walking the floor and researching any other possible help online. I eventually came across just one small article which suggested Menthol Patches as a possible aid (i.e. Icy Hot or any other brand that contains Menthol). Anyway, I ended up finding a large Pain patch I already had at home. (Which was actually the generic version for Icy Hot which I bought @ Dollar Tree for back pain relief.......but Walmart, etc carries as well). I cut into 2 smaller patches and placed on bottom of both feet. And at least for me.......I experienced full relief within the same night (took about 30 mins to kick in completely, but finally fell asleep with no symptoms). And I realize that everyone will react differently..... but from my own personal experience - Menthol (whether it be by Patch or Cream) is definitely my first "go to" as a quick fix when my nightly med (Requip) is occasionally not enough. Btw, the patches I use are at least 5% Menthol or higher.
I totally hear where you are coming from, I have no advice other than just to say that I empathise like all these lovely people on this site who really keep me going. It's like a monster or alien it would be great just to get a huge stick to get rid. Stay strong.
I use it too for imidiate relief