I was up all night with d**m leg cramps!
Leg cramps!!!: I was up all night with... - Restless Legs Syn...
Leg cramps!!!

Sorry to hear that. Cramps are horrible.
They usually subside of their own accord within mimutes however.
If yours lasted all night and you can't connect it to anything you've done, then perhaps you should consult a doctor.

I’m bed ridden with sore on the bottom of foot.
Oh dear, I am sorry.
Perhaps you could clarify, are you bed ridden AND have a sore on your foot OR are you bed ridden because you have a sore on your floot?
The reason I ask is that if you are bed fast and have been some time, then it's not surprising you're getting some discomfort, including muscle spasm.
Being bed ridden can lead to many complications and is not recommended unless absolutely necessary. You need to maintain as much mobility as possible.

I am sorry to hear that you suffered with leg cramps last night. I have to get out of bed and stand on the affected leg and make the whole foot touch the floor and then it goes, thank goodness. I note that you suffer with right sided paralysis after a stroke so that may not be something you could do too easily.
Perhaps some of these suggestions may be of some help to you in tryng to minimise leg cramps:
Stay hydrated: Nighttime leg cramps can result from not consuming enough water. Always make sure you are getting enough water throughout the day. You should try to consume at least eight glasses of water (eight ounces each) per day.
Valerian and skullcap herbs: Skullcap is a treatment for anxiety and insomnia. It is usually taken in combination with another natural sleep aid, like valerian. Both will calm the muscles and reduce the leg pain.
Evening primrose oil: Evening primrose oil is used for many conditions, such as acne, high cholesterol, heart disease, and eczema. It also has the potential to help treat leg cramps and pain. The recommended dose is three to four grams daily.
Apply a hot compress to the area: Apply a hot water bottle or heating pad to the pained area. This will help loosen up the muscle and ease the cramp. If you don’t have a heating pad, try applying a large amount of Vicks Vapour Rub ointment to the area. The cooling effect will help relieve the cramp.
Potassium: A potassium deficiency could potentially lead to nighttime leg cramps. Try adding more potassium-rich food sources to your diet, such as bananas, apricots, grapes, oranges, cabbages, and nectarines.
What do we do about the cramps ..my doctor said to eat a banana before bed. Il helps a little
I eat more bananas, I thought I’d be a monkey lol
To clarify my condition.......
I had my stroke about 2 year ago, plus a heart attack. I died but they brought me back....
I stayed in hospital close to 6 months...I was bedridden .
One day out of the blue...they said sending you to a nursing home....my Husband said no way is she going to a home....he moved heaven and earth to make this possible.
Long story short..they had me (Locala) walking a week and a half later. I been
ever since ....
Next I broke my ankle on the right foot....as this is my bad leg....it healed alright...Just when I told him my heel really hurts.....they X-ray it right there in surgery said it was ok......they said it will settle down....just when I was going to .........Covid-19 broke out....soo cancelled both appointments...one was for Botox injections. That was 6 months ago, .....I’ve been bed ridden all this time and just took my first steps today!
Having a sore that ran pus and blood on bottom of the heel is why I couldn’t walk...
It was on Left leg all night long...it is just madding 😡
Gosh, I'm sad to hear all of this. You've had one problem after another. The cramps will be I imagine excaerbated by lack.of mobility. However, I can see that mobility is difficult for you.
It's possibly also, as mentioned, you have an electrolyte imbalance particularly a potassium deficiency. Small changes in potassium levels can have dramatic effects.
I wonder if you've had a kidney function test, this wil see if any imbalance exists. I'm sure that could be arranged, despite covid 19.
If so potassium citrate is possibility, as well as potassium rich foods. Bananas!
I think you need the advice of a doctor on any potassium supplement though.
The other thing a doctor might consider is quinine, which I believe may still be used, if appropriate, for some cases of cramp.
I do get leg cramps I also get RLS badly and ciatica so I dont know which is what iam waiting for operation for the ciatica Which I hope works
My leg cramps didn’t subside until I was having a bladder issue and had to drink tons of water. I was dehydrated and didn’t realize it! The water did wonders for my overall heath.
Also, what about magnesium? My sister had a deficiency and her dr put her on magnesium and the cramps went away. I would have your dr check your magnesium levels. Perhaps soak in epsom salt or a magnesium spray. Of course, under the care of your dr.
Hope you get relief soon!
As I've mentioned before, I believe the cause and onset of leg cramps and RLS are related - but not to each other. Meaning and only perhaps - lack of absorption, for whatever reason could precipitate a lack of iron (trigger RLS) and a lack of magnesium and potassium (trigger leg cramps). I believe it is an electrolyte imbalance, probably magnesium and potassium. I could have a severe leg cramp in the large hamstring muscle (yeah, bad enough you would almost want to call an ambulance!) - anyway, almost immediate relief with 1/4 tsp. of sea salt, 1/4 tsp of cream of tartar mixed in water or juice. I have also used Endurolytes Extreme (Hammer Nutrition) and/or Nuun electrolyte tablets. Magnesium oil (trans-dermal spray) can also help. Hydration is also key, and once you are hydration deficient, it is hard to come back readily. So, keep hydrated right along - and it's a lot of water especially in the summer.
Thank you everyone for your tips and advice!!!!
Take magnesium glycinate or threonate (expensive)--big doses--one of the ones that are absorbed better. Likely won't help you immediately but after you build up your magnesium stores they will go away. In the short run, be sure to drink lots of water.