Treating RLS naturally: Can anyone... - Restless Legs Syn...

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Treating RLS naturally

ScribblerCLT profile image
14 Replies

Can anyone recommend strategies or remedies for RLS that don't involve medication? Any useful books?

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ScribblerCLT profile image
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14 Replies
silkyreg profile image

NOTHING AVAILABLE! not even TCM has any cure. The only thing you can do is a RLS diet to check if any substance causes it in your case

Joolsg profile image

The only thing I could recommend would be to get a blood test and raise serum ferritin above 100, preferably to above 300 as raising levels helps around 50% of sufferers.

Some people have had success with magnesium, others by following certain diets ( low FODMAPS, excluding Oxolates, low carb, vegan). As different diets seem to help different people, it’s trial and error. Diets don’t help everyone though as the causes of RLS would appear to be different for everyone.

Check you’re not taking meds that can trigger RLS like anti histamines, anti depressants and cough and cold remedies.

I can certainly recommend a medical textbook- but that doesn’t mention natural remedies.

Weight training helps as dopamine is stored in muscle.

Good luck.

Eryl profile image

There are no remedies that you can take, but you can stop causing it by adopting a very low carb diet. High blood sugar causes inflammation in all cells, including nerve cells, this inflammation causes over sensitivity and false triggering of the nerves, so if you can keep your blood sugar from peaking you will stop triggering rls. You need to avoid all sources of refined sugar, like sodas, fruit juice cookies, cakes and bread, and most processed foods.

Also you might benefit from taking vitamins b12, k2, d3 and iodine (in the form of seaweed or kelp tablets) to support nerve health.

Operabab profile image
Operabab in reply to Eryl

Im very interested in your advise could you make a suggestion on a book or just a typical days intake to get me started

Thank you

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Operabab

The causes and effects of inflammation, is only now becoming widely accepted so thee is no one book, but you can Google things like 'inflammation +sugar' or 'anti inflammatory diet'. Also look up Dr Terry Wahls who has cured herself of MS (another disease caused by inflammation of nerves) by changing her diet.

It is generally accepted that the body only needs 20g of carbohydrate for health, but be aware that if you cut down that low you might get what's called 'keto flu' as your body adapts to getting calories from fats instead of carbs. If you start with cutting out sodas, cookies and cakes, you should notice a difference within a couple of weeks, and that should spur you on to take it more seriously.

in reply to Operabab

There are many things that contribute to RLS. Refined sugar may be one of them. However's it's incorrect to think that all cases of RLS are due to blood sugar levels or inflammation.

The weight of the scientific research about RLS does not give any consistent evidence about these.

There is no doubt a lot of evidence about the various consequences of high blood sugar levels, (normally as a result of diabetes) and inflammation.

Ceratinly a quick google of inflammation and sugar reveals that there is a connection between excessive sugar in the diet and low grade inflammation. This can lead to such conditions as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

I doubt if much of this is directly relevant to RLS. I imagine in most cases of RLS there are more obvious factors.

There also seems to be the misapprehension that because something's good for one neurological condition, then it's good for others. E.g. something that "cures" MS, (for which there is no actual recognised cure) wont necessarily "cure" RLS or even relieve symptoms.

I note Dr Wahls claims to have improved her RLS by diet AND lifestyle changes and if you're prepared to pay her to find out more, then you can. It may not improve your RLS however.

There ARE diets that might help particular people suffering RLS. Some can be of general benefit to health overall in any event.

As Jools says this might include FODMAPS diet, a low oxalates diet, a low carbohydrate diet or vegan. Another such diet is gluten free.

These naturally will be particularly helpful if you've any signs of IBS, lactose or gluten intolerance.

Agreed, especially iron, but also magnesium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D can be helpful. Vitamin B12 deficiency is known to lead to RLS like symptoms and there's evidence that vitamin D supplements in RLS sufferers who are deficient in this, can bring about improvement.

Oddly, but there is some evidence, celery juice (tablets) may help RLS.

As well as thinking about what you can do to make RLS better, its also worthwhile looking at other factors in your life to see if any of them are making RLS worse and then avoiding these "aggravating factors".

As stated above, certainly refined sugar can be such a factor.

There's also quite a list of medications that you might be taking that are known to make RLS worse. If you're taking any other medication, it's worth checking if these are "RLS safe".

Some people find various "devices" that help with their symptoms.

If you have any degree of venous insufficiency or varicose veins, you may find compression stockings helpful

Some people find vibration pads useful.

Further factors include exercise which is not excessively strenous, sleep hygiene and stress management.

Its a matter of trial and eror usually, to see which of these things work for you. It's not a good idea to try them all at once, becasue if that works, then you wont know exactly what is working.

Some of them are worth considering anyway, as a matter of promoting general health even if they don't help your RLS.

Eryl profile image
Eryl in reply to Operabab

By the way, reducing low level inflammation would give you more resilience to fight the effects of Covid-19 were you unfortunate enough to contract it.

BeachGolfer profile image

If you have insomnia from RLS you can use a Full Spectrum Hemp CBD oil. It will not decrease restlessness but is a great natural sleep aid.

DicCarlson profile image

Well - I had severe RLS - out of the blue so to speak. Oh it was severe, in my arms, legs, all day with less than 2 hours sleep/night! Docs said try muscle relaxants - did nothing. Months went by BEFORE I even knew what I had, RLS. I eventually found the Johns Hopkins website and the single sentence "The single most consistent finding and the strongest environmental risk factor associated with RLS is iron insufficiency." I had also found a home remedy - blackstrap molasses (it contains iron). During a particular nasty night I took the molasses and it "cut into" the RLS. I eventually switched to Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate and the severe symptoms went away in a week, and my Ferritin level went from 49 to 105 in 3 months. More natural treatments - and I tried them all (no real success) - from rlcure.

WideBody profile image

No books, but I can recommend some resources that I follow.

John Hopkins Restless Leg Foundation

Look on the left, causes, treatment.... this, this, this.. I read it, again and again.

Mayo Clinc Restless Leg Foundation

Both of them are in agreement

Finally Dr. Buchfurer in California. Sorry I don't have his web site, but I have no doubt google will help.

That's enough to get started. Feel free to ask questions. Manerva is great at answering!

ScribblerCLT profile image

I didn’t know about John Hopkins. Thanks!

ScribblerCLT profile image

That’s very thorough, thanks. I’ve veered towards low sugar all my life, am even a little hypoglaecemic and barely touch sofa pop. I seem to respond well to exercise, barely tolerate neurological meds, and now I am looking at diet. Reading Dr. Perlmuttter’s book Brain Maker now.

Some people say he’s visionary; others say he’s a quack. And I have Parkinson’s as well. Otherwise, I’m totally healthy 😉

Here are some I've either tried in the past or now or both:

-3 gentle exercises found halfway down this website

-knee high compression stockings

-rubbing magnesium oil onto you legs. This can be itchy-- a sign that the mg is being absorbed

-if you have a bathtub, soaking in an Epsom salts helps. Since this is just another form of mg, it can also be itchy. I read that a 12-minute soak is the maximum because of this.

-if you don't have a tub and have a jet-sprayer on your shower head, pounding water on the legs with that is good. I learned this one from going to my nearby pool's hottub a long time ago and loving what it did for my legs!

-rubbing Relaxing Leg Cream by Magnilife on your legs works well. This can be ordered from Amazon.

-magnesium tablets have helped in the past

-I have a heated massager that works wonders

-I have used a freeze gel in the past. While helpful on the legs, this made it hard to sleep due to freezing the rest of my body!

-my latest trick has been to take a hot shower before bed, which usely helps

-I have tried kinesio tape in the past, but to very limited help

I hope this helps somewhat!🙂

Kratom only natural thing I've found.

1 to 3 grams.

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