I flippin knew I shouldn’t have boasted about getting some sleep because here we go again. Standing in the kitchen, leaning against the benches kicking my legs like one of the folies bergere. Not a pretty sight....
If anyone actually saw what I am like I reckon I’d be carted away by the men in white coats.
I’m bone tired and really really want to go to bed but you know the drill. It’s like somebody else is in control of my body.
Just to add to my misery I’m standing here with pjs on, big fluffy dressing gown, 3 pairs of socks and 2 pairs of gloves! I’ve got hand warmers in my gloves, socks, and in my pockets coz the stupid boiler has packed up again.
So all in all I’m pretty fed up. I’ve got an appointment at the hospital at 2pm to see the consultant so maybe by tomorrow night things won’t be as bad. Here’s hoping..