Hello everybody!!Recently a brilliant doctor found out that i had another condition together with rls.Its called "plmt"which means painful legs and moving toes syndrome.Its a rare moving disorder syndrome.Many of my movements were due to that.She did botox on my leg and toe and the syndrome almost dissapeared.Thats because botox relaxed my muscles and the movement dissapeared.I have to repeat the botox every 3/4 months.I feel so greatful!
Another underlying condition together... - Restless Legs Syn...
Another underlying condition together with rls.

That’s brilliant. Has it helped your RLS in any way?
Interesting. Learning about new disorders every day. Glad you found out and gound relief. Be careful with the Neupro, though. If you start to need more (I hope not), then don’t, but rather stop.
Is this not the same as PLMD. Periodic limb movement disorder, or is it something else?
Its a different condition.
I've never heard of plmt before! Great that you got diagnosed and treated.
Hi Katerina, Thank you for sharing your findings. I already use botox, so this would mean I need another area treated....
Where exactly in the leg and foot does the botox get injected? Whatsapping my Derm now...
I had movement at the big toe and at the lower leg.The big toe went up and down without me being able to control it and i also had contractions at the lower leg.The bottle of botox is BOTOX PD.INJ.SOL 100U/VIAL BTx1VIAL.My doctor used about 1/4 of the bottle.
What a great idea. I've periodic limb movement (my sleep doc thinks) in addition to RLS. While my toes aren't painful, my feet DO tend to "wash" themselves for an hour or so when I first go to bed. writhing against each other and they feel horribly hot (inside), not apparent to my husband. Where on your legs and toes are the shots placed? And do you have any idea how much botox is injected with each shot?
I wouldn't rush out and get botox for your RLS/PLMS, without further evidence that it actually works for these. Katerina's botox worked for her plmt, which is an entirely unrelated and different condition.
Also, I believe botox relaxes muscles so it acts locally, whereas the symptoms of RLS/PLMS originate in the Central Nervous System.

Thanks. Good point.
Oh I see -I ll carry on with my cream