Following up on earlier posts by involuntarydancer, I happened to just notice that the manuscript reporting the results of the first study using dipyridamole for RLS has appeared ‘in print’, i.e. online. Good to finally see the results described in more detail.
The study was open trial, meaning that people knew what they were taking. The patients had idiopathic RLS, thus RLS that is not the result of another health issue. And they did not take prior medication for RLS. Thus no information on how severe in terms of persistent their RLS is.
Still, the results look promising. And I think ID will second that. See her posts and updates. Personally, I am especially pleased to read the positive effects not just on the RLS, but also on sleep and hyperarousal, as both are still a big issue for me. And, as I wrote before in one of the other posts about dipyridamole, I like very much the fact that this line of research resulting in this trial medication is built on knowledge specific to RLS and good neurologic general logic and reasoning. In contrast to almost all previous research on medication for RLS, that originated from coincidental observations.
I shall download and read the full manuscript later today to see what other relevant info it holds for us. I am very much interested about their suggested next steps.